I am a beginner about ALPS and linux. When installing the ALPS in a PC, I meet some question. Now, my operation system is RedHat_Enterprise_Linux_AS3, gcc 3.2.3-34, icc 10.1, Boost C++ 1.33.1.
When I installed Boost C++, I use "./configure --prefix=/usr/local/" "make install", and Boost install is completed.
Then I install ALPS 1.3, I use "./configure", I met some errors about "configure: error: Boost include files not found" But when i use "./configure --with-boost=/usr/local/", I met errors about "configure: error: Boost main tree not found".
When I installed Boost C++ 1.34.1, the same problems is occured.
Please help me, Thanks a lot.
At Thu, 6 Mar 2008 17:26:31 +0800, "dulei" dulei@sxu.edu.cn wrote:
I am a beginner about ALPS and linux. When installing the ALPS in a PC, I meet some question. Now, my operation system is RedHat_Enterprise_Linux_AS3, gcc 3.2.3-34, icc 10.1, Boost C++ 1.33.1.
When I installed Boost C++, I use "./configure --prefix=/usr/local/" "make install", and Boost install is completed.
Then I install ALPS 1.3, I use "./configure", I met some errors about "configure: error: Boost include files not found" But when i use "./configure --with-boost=/usr/local/", I met errors about "configure: error: Boost main tree not found".
When I installed Boost C++ 1.34.1, the same problems is occured.
You need not install boost when installing ALPS.
If you download boost_1_34_1.tar.gz to your home directory and extract there, try configuring ALPS with
$ ./configure --with-boost=$HOME/boost_1_34_1
On 6 Mar 2008, at 10:53, Ryo IGARASHI wrote:
At Thu, 6 Mar 2008 17:26:31 +0800, "dulei" dulei@sxu.edu.cn wrote:
I am a beginner about ALPS and linux. When installing the ALPS in a PC, I meet some question. Now, my operation system is RedHat_Enterprise_Linux_AS3, gcc 3.2.3-34, icc 10.1, Boost C++ 1.33.1.
When I installed Boost C++, I use "./configure --prefix=/usr/ local/" "make install", and Boost install is completed.
Then I install ALPS 1.3, I use "./configure", I met some errors about "configure: error: Boost include files not found" But when i use "./configure --with-boost=/usr/local/", I met errors about "configure: error: Boost main tree not found".
When I installed Boost C++ 1.34.1, the same problems is occured.
You need not install boost when installing ALPS.
If you download boost_1_34_1.tar.gz to your home directory and extract there, try configuring ALPS with
$ ./configure --with-boost=$HOME/boost_1_34_1
Indeed, there is no reason to build Boost. All you need are the sources
Thank you for Prof. Matthias Troyer's and Prof. Ryo IGARASHI's help. I have successfully installed the ALPS 1.3. Thank you very much.
But when I want to learn some talks from the first user workshop in http://www.comp-phys.org/lugano04/Talks.html, I found almost all files in this page can't be downloaded. The explorer show error about " Not Found The requested URL /lugano04/Talks/IntroToCpp.pdf was not found on this server. Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request. " And I used several computers and explorers(IE, Firefox, Netcape), the same problems is occured. Thanks a lot.
发件人: dulei 发送时间: 2008-03-06 17:26:30 收件人: comp-phys-alps-users 抄送: 主题: Questions about install ALPS 1.3
I am a beginner about ALPS and linux. When installing the ALPS in a PC, I meet some question. Now, my operation system is RedHat_Enterprise_Linux_AS3, gcc 3.2.3-34, icc 10.1, Boost C++ 1.33.1.
When I installed Boost C++, I use "./configure --prefix=/usr/local/" "make install", and Boost install is completed.
Then I install ALPS 1.3, I use "./configure", I met some errors about "configure: error: Boost include files not found" But when i use "./configure --with-boost=/usr/local/", I met errors about "configure: error: Boost main tree not found".
When I installed Boost C++ 1.34.1, the same problems is occured.
Please help me, Thanks a lot.