I am a beginner about ALPS and linux. When installing the ALPS in a PC, I
meet some question. Now, my operation system is RedHat_Enterprise_Linux_AS3, gcc
3.2.3-34, icc 10.1, Boost C++ 1.33.1.
When I installed Boost C++, I use "./configure --prefix=/usr/local/" "make
install", and Boost install is completed.
Then I install ALPS 1.3, I use "./configure", I met some errors about
"configure: error: Boost include files not found"
But when i use "./configure --with-boost=/usr/local/", I met errors about
"configure: error: Boost main tree not found".
When I installed Boost C++ 1.34.1, the same problems is occured.
Please help me, Thanks a lot.