Dear All,
I am trying to run the QMC "loop" code for the Kitaev honeycomb model which is actually an XYZ two-spin interaction on a honeycomb lattice with three different link types i.e. x,y and z.
*The parameter file that I use is defined as:*
parms = [] for t in [0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3]: parms.append( { 'LATTICE' : "honeycomb kitaev lattice", 'T' : t, 'Jx' : .1 , 'Jz' : .1 , 'Jy' : .1 , 'ALGORITHM' : "loop", 'THERMALIZATION' : 65536/8, 'SWEEPS' : 65536, 'MODEL' : "K-H", 'L' : 4 } )
*The model that I use is defined as: *
<HAMILTONIAN name="K-H"> <PARAMETER name="Jz" default="0"/> <PARAMETER name="Jx" default="0"/> <PARAMETER name="Jy" default="0"/> <PARAMETER name="hx" default="0"/> <PARAMETER name="hz" default="0"/> <BASIS ref="spin"/> <SITETERM site="i"> -hz*Sz(i)-hx*Sx(i) </SITETERM> <BONDTERM type="0" source="i" target="j"> Jz*Sz(i)*Sz(j) </BONDTERM> <BONDTERM type="1" source="i" target="j"> Jx*Sx(i)*Sx(j) </BONDTERM> <BONDTERM type="2" source="i" target="j"> Jy*Sy(i)*Sy(j) </BONDTERM> </HAMILTONIAN>
*and the lattice is defined as**:*
<UNITCELL name="honeycomb inhomogeneous" dimension="2"> <VERTEX><COORDINATE>0 0</COORDINATE></VERTEX> <VERTEX><COORDINATE>-0.288665771484375 0.5773468017578125</COORDINATE></VERTEX>
<EDGE type="0"><SOURCE vertex="1"/><TARGET vertex="2"/></EDGE> <EDGE type="1"><SOURCE vertex="2"/><TARGET vertex="1" offset="0 1"/></EDGE> <EDGE type="2"><SOURCE vertex="1"/><TARGET vertex="2" offset="1 -1"/></EDGE> </UNITCELL>
<LATTICEGRAPH name = "honeycomb kitaev lattice"> <FINITELATTICE> <LATTICE ref="triangular lattice"/> <PARAMETER name="W" default="L"/> <EXTENT dimension="1" size="L"/> <EXTENT dimension="2" size="W"/> <BOUNDARY type="periodic"/> </FINITELATTICE> <UNITCELL ref="honeycomb inhomogeneous"/> </LATTICEGRAPH>
*when I run the simulation with the "loop" code, the following message is produced and the simulation stops:*
multi-cluster quantum Monte Carlo algorithms for spin systems available from copyright (c) 1997-2010 by Synge Todo
using ALPS/parapack scheduler a Monte Carlo scheduler for multiple-level parallelization copyright (c) 1997-2013 by Synge Todo
based on the ALPS libraries version 2.2.b3 available from copyright (c) 1994-2013 by the ALPS collaboration. Consult the web page for license details. For details see the publication: B. Bauer et al., J. Stat. Mech. (2011) P05001.
[2015-Oct-17 14:46:49]: starting scheduler on jahromi-Sharif master input file = /home/jahromi/Desktop/MyComputations/ALPS/Looper/ master output file = /home/jahromi/Desktop/MyComputations/ALPS/Looper/parmlooper.out.xml termination file = [disabled] total number of thread(s) = 1 thread(s) per clone = 1 number of thread group(s) = 1 auto evaluation = yes time limit = unlimited interval between checkpointing = 3600 seconds interval between progress report = 600 seconds interval between vmusage report = infinity task range = all worker dump format = hdf5 worker dump policy = running workers only [2015-Oct-17 14:46:49]: task status: total number of tasks = 4 new = 4, running = 0, continuing = 0, suspended = 0, finished = 0, completed = 0, skipped = 0 [2015-Oct-17 14:46:49]: starting 1 threadgroup(s) [2015-Oct-17 14:46:49]: dispatching a new clone[1,1] on threadgroup[1] (Jx+Jy) and (Jx-Jy) may not have opposite signs
FYI, I have enable the xyz bond support as instructed in this link and recompiled alps.
I also tested the algorithm for the "XYZ spin" model available on the alps-looper source on wistaria GitHub and the results is the same and the problem exist there, either.
I would be so thankful if you could help me on this matter
The message you get below indicates that the looper code will not work for such models.
On 17 Oct 2015, at 14:16, Saeed S. Jahromi wrote:
Dear All,
I am trying to run the QMC "loop" code for the Kitaev honeycomb model which is actually an XYZ two-spin interaction on a honeycomb lattice with three different link types i.e. x,y and z.
The parameter file that I use is defined as:
parms = [] for t in [0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3]: parms.append( { 'LATTICE' : "honeycomb kitaev lattice", 'T' : t, 'Jx' : .1 , 'Jz' : .1 , 'Jy' : .1 , 'ALGORITHM' : "loop", 'THERMALIZATION' : 65536/8, 'SWEEPS' : 65536, 'MODEL' : "K-H", 'L' : 4 } )
The model that I use is defined as:
<HAMILTONIAN name="K-H"> <PARAMETER name="Jz" default="0"/> <PARAMETER name="Jx" default="0"/> <PARAMETER name="Jy" default="0"/> <PARAMETER name="hx" default="0"/> <PARAMETER name="hz" default="0"/> <BASIS ref="spin"/> <SITETERM site="i"> -hz*Sz(i)-hx*Sx(i) </SITETERM> <BONDTERM type="0" source="i" target="j"> Jz*Sz(i)*Sz(j) </BONDTERM> <BONDTERM type="1" source="i" target="j"> Jx*Sx(i)*Sx(j) </BONDTERM> <BONDTERM type="2" source="i" target="j"> Jy*Sy(i)*Sy(j) </BONDTERM> </HAMILTONIAN>
and the lattice is defined as:
<UNITCELL name="honeycomb inhomogeneous" dimension="2"> <VERTEX><COORDINATE>0 0</COORDINATE></VERTEX> <VERTEX><COORDINATE>-0.288665771484375 0.5773468017578125</COORDINATE></VERTEX>
<EDGE type="0"><SOURCE vertex="1"/><TARGET vertex="2"/></EDGE> <EDGE type="1"><SOURCE vertex="2"/><TARGET vertex="1" offset="0 1"/></EDGE> <EDGE type="2"><SOURCE vertex="1"/><TARGET vertex="2" offset="1 -1"/></EDGE>
<LATTICEGRAPH name = "honeycomb kitaev lattice"> <FINITELATTICE> <LATTICE ref="triangular lattice"/> <PARAMETER name="W" default="L"/> <EXTENT dimension="1" size="L"/> <EXTENT dimension="2" size="W"/> <BOUNDARY type="periodic"/> </FINITELATTICE> <UNITCELL ref="honeycomb inhomogeneous"/> </LATTICEGRAPH>
when I run the simulation with the "loop" code, the following message is produced and the simulation stops:
multi-cluster quantum Monte Carlo algorithms for spin systems available from copyright (c) 1997-2010 by Synge Todo
using ALPS/parapack scheduler a Monte Carlo scheduler for multiple-level parallelization copyright (c) 1997-2013 by Synge Todo
based on the ALPS libraries version 2.2.b3 available from copyright (c) 1994-2013 by the ALPS collaboration. Consult the web page for license details. For details see the publication: B. Bauer et al., J. Stat. Mech. (2011) P05001.
[2015-Oct-17 14:46:49]: starting scheduler on jahromi-Sharif master input file = /home/jahromi/Desktop/MyComputations/ALPS/Looper/ master output file = /home/jahromi/Desktop/MyComputations/ALPS/Looper/parmlooper.out.xml termination file = [disabled] total number of thread(s) = 1 thread(s) per clone = 1 number of thread group(s) = 1 auto evaluation = yes time limit = unlimited interval between checkpointing = 3600 seconds interval between progress report = 600 seconds interval between vmusage report = infinity task range = all worker dump format = hdf5 worker dump policy = running workers only [2015-Oct-17 14:46:49]: task status: total number of tasks = 4 new = 4, running = 0, continuing = 0, suspended = 0, finished = 0, completed = 0, skipped = 0 [2015-Oct-17 14:46:49]: starting 1 threadgroup(s) [2015-Oct-17 14:46:49]: dispatching a new clone[1,1] on threadgroup[1] (Jx+Jy) and (Jx-Jy) may not have opposite signs
FYI, I have enable the xyz bond support as instructed in this link and recompiled alps.
I also tested the algorithm for the "XYZ spin" model available on the alps-looper source on wistaria GitHub and the results is the same and the problem exist there, either.
I would be so thankful if you could help me on this matter
-- Saeed S. Jahromi ========================================================== Postdoctoral Researcher
Physics Department, Sharif University of Technology P.O. Box 11155-9161, Tehran , Iran.
Mailing Adrress: Azadi Ave., 14588-89694, Tehran, Iran