Dear All,
I am trying to run the QMC "loop" code for the Kitaev honeycomb
model which is actually an XYZ two-spin interaction on a honeycomb
lattice with three different link types i.e. x,y and z.
The parameter file that I use is defined as:
parms = []
for t in [0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3]:
'LATTICE' : "honeycomb kitaev lattice",
'T' : t,
'Jx' : .1 ,
'Jz' : .1 ,
'Jy' : .1 ,
'ALGORITHM' : "loop",
'SWEEPS' : 65536,
'MODEL' : "K-H",
'L' : 4
The model that I use is defined as:
<PARAMETER name="Jz" default="0"/>
<PARAMETER name="Jx" default="0"/>
<PARAMETER name="Jy" default="0"/>
<PARAMETER name="hx" default="0"/>
<PARAMETER name="hz" default="0"/>
<BASIS ref="spin"/>
<SITETERM site="i">
<BONDTERM type="0" source="i" target="j">
<BONDTERM type="1" source="i" target="j">
<BONDTERM type="2" source="i" target="j">
and the lattice is defined as:
<UNITCELL name="honeycomb inhomogeneous" dimension="2">
<EDGE type="0"><SOURCE vertex="1"/><TARGET
<EDGE type="1"><SOURCE vertex="2"/><TARGET
vertex="1" offset="0 1"/></EDGE>
<EDGE type="2"><SOURCE vertex="1"/><TARGET
vertex="2" offset="1 -1"/></EDGE>
<LATTICEGRAPH name = "honeycomb kitaev lattice">
<LATTICE ref="triangular lattice"/>
<PARAMETER name="W" default="L"/>
<EXTENT dimension="1" size="L"/>
<EXTENT dimension="2" size="W"/>
<BOUNDARY type="periodic"/>
<UNITCELL ref="honeycomb inhomogeneous"/>
when I run the simulation with the "loop" code, the following
message is produced and the simulation stops:
multi-cluster quantum Monte Carlo algorithms for spin systems
available from
copyright (c) 1997-2010 by Synge Todo
using ALPS/parapack scheduler
a Monte Carlo scheduler for multiple-level parallelization
copyright (c) 1997-2013 by Synge Todo
based on the ALPS libraries version 2.2.b3
available from
copyright (c) 1994-2013 by the ALPS collaboration.
Consult the web page for license details.
For details see the publication:
B. Bauer et al., J. Stat. Mech. (2011) P05001.
[2015-Oct-17 14:46:49]: starting scheduler on jahromi-Sharif
master input file =
master output file =
termination file = [disabled]
total number of thread(s) = 1
thread(s) per clone = 1
number of thread group(s) = 1
auto evaluation = yes
time limit = unlimited
interval between checkpointing = 3600 seconds
interval between progress report = 600 seconds
interval between vmusage report = infinity
task range = all
worker dump format = hdf5
worker dump policy = running workers only
[2015-Oct-17 14:46:49]: task status: total number of tasks = 4
new = 4, running = 0, continuing = 0, suspended = 0, finished = 0,
completed = 0, skipped = 0
[2015-Oct-17 14:46:49]: starting 1 threadgroup(s)
[2015-Oct-17 14:46:49]: dispatching a new clone[1,1] on
(Jx+Jy) and (Jx-Jy) may not have opposite signs
FYI, I have enable the xyz bond support as instructed in this link
and recompiled alps.
I also tested the algorithm for the "XYZ spin" model available on
the alps-looper source on wistaria GitHub and the results is the
same and the problem exist there, either.
I would be so thankful if you could help me on this matter
Saeed S. Jahromi
Postdoctoral Researcher
Physics Department, Sharif University of Technology
P.O. Box 11155-9161, Tehran , Iran.
Mailing Adrress: Azadi Ave., 14588-89694, Tehran, Iran