Dear all,
I am trying to understand how to use the qmc codes from ALPS to get some
local observables from lattice models. If I understand it correctly, the
way qmc codes work is in imaginary time and in that representation one can
measure thermodynamic quantities. In the case of dynamical quantities(by
this I mean dynamical susceptibilities), the results in imaginary time have
to be analytically continued back to the real time axis and then evaluated.
This is done usually, from what I gather from the literature, using maximum
entropy methods. I have read through the tutorials on the alps website and
the different slides by the ALPS creators that I found on google and I
haven't found any example of the last type of calculations. Neither how to
"tell" ALPS to measure a non-averaged susceptibility or how to analytically
continue it to the real axis.
Is it possible with ALPS as it is or do I need to write my own c++ code,
based on ALPS, to access that kind of information? If it is possible, could
someone tell me where I can find documentation on how to do it specifically
with ALPS?
Kind regards,
Paco Cordobes