Dear colleagues,
I want to draw your attention to a summer school / tutorial on the simulation of strongly correlated quantum systems to be held September 13-17, 2010 at ETH Zurich.
The school will consist of lectures on methods in the morning, followed by an experimental talk in the afternoon and hands-on tutorials with the forthcoming release 2.0 of the ALPS simulation package. Confirmed speakers include
A. Laeuchli (MPI Dresden) U. Schollwoeck (LMU Munich) S. Trebst (Microsoft) M. Troyer (ETH) P. Werner (ETH)
We have secured funding for local expenses (housing and meals) of all admitted participants from CECAM, Intelbiomat and the Swiss NCCR MaNEP.
For details and to register please see the web page
Please forward this announcement to any interested PhD student and postdoc.
Best regards
Matthias Troyer