Hi Aniket,
The answer is simple: add a line like
to the parameters. However there should generally be no need, since the value of S can just be absorbed into the coupling constant.
Best regards
On 29 Mar 2007, at 20:50, aniket@jncasr.ac.in wrote:
Respected sir, I am new user of ALPS. So can I ask you one query?
How change the value of S in 1D Heisenberg model?
Hamiltonian for 1D Heisenberg model
H = sum (S(i)*S(j))
here H is the Hamiltonian
sum means summation over all i & j.
S(i) and S(j) means i & j th spin.
by default S value is 1 for classical CONVENTION. how change this value (other than 1)?
I am running alps-application/tutorial/classical2/parm2a file.
( for convenience I am attaching URL also http://alps.comp-phys.org:16080/mediawiki-1.9.3/index.php/ Tutorial:ClassicalMCSimulations#The_one-dimensional_Heisenberg_chain )
I am waiting for your reply.
Regards, Aniket