Dear ALPS users
For the extended Bose-Hubbard
H = -t\sum_{<i,j>} a^{\dagger}_i a_j +\frac{U}{2}\sum_{i}n_i(n_i-1) + V\sum_{<i,j>}n_in_j -\mu\sum_{i}n_i,
I wonder why worm and dirloop_sse in ALPS show two completely different results?
Another technique problem as follows. Can one change parameters Nmax = 2 or NONLOCAL = 0 in the tutorial? I am not sure what's the impact of these two parameters. Any help will be greatly appreciated. THANKS!
Sincerely, Fu-Jiun
On Nov 23, 2009, at 4:32 PM, Fu-Jiun Jiang ITP wrote:
Dear ALPS users
For the extended Bose-Hubbard
H = -t\sum_{<i,j>} a^{\dagger}_i a_j +\frac{U}{2}\sum_{i}n_i(n_i-1) + V\sum_{<i,j>}n_in_j -\mu\sum_{i}n_i,
I wonder why worm and dirloop_sse in ALPS show two completely different results?
Another technique problem as follows. Can one change parameters Nmax = 2 or NONLOCAL = 0 in the tutorial? I am not sure what's the impact of these two parameters. Any help will be greatly appreciated. THANKS!
Sincerely, Fu-Jiun
NONLOCAL = 0 means there are no nearest neighbor interactions besides the hopping. That means the V term will be ignored
Dear Prof. Troyer
Thanks for the reply. Something bothers me as follows. Let's say if in the script I have
NONLOCAL = 0 U = ... t = ... V = 1.0
Will the simulation be carried out with V = 0? I checked the trial runs using above parameters against the known results in the literature regarding the extened Bose-Hubbard model with non-vanishing V and find a good agreement.... Answers will be gratefully appreciated!
Sincerely, Fu-Jiun
On Mon, 23 Nov 2009, Matthias Troyer wrote:
On Nov 23, 2009, at 4:32 PM, Fu-Jiun Jiang ITP wrote:
Dear ALPS users
For the extended Bose-Hubbard
H = -t\sum_{<i,j>} a^{\dagger}_i a_j +\frac{U}{2}\sum_{i}n_i(n_i-1) + V\sum_{<i,j>}n_in_j -\mu\sum_{i}n_i,
I wonder why worm and dirloop_sse in ALPS show two completely different results?
Another technique problem as follows. Can one change parameters Nmax = 2 or NONLOCAL = 0 in the tutorial? I am not sure what's the impact of these two parameters. Any help will be greatly appreciated. THANKS!
Sincerely, Fu-Jiun
NONLOCAL = 0 means there are no nearest neighbor interactions besides the hopping. That means the V term will be ignored
On Nov 26, 2009, at 3:14 PM, Fu-Jiun Jiang ITP wrote:
Dear Prof. Troyer
Thanks for the reply. Something bothers me as follows. Let's say if in the script I have
NONLOCAL = 0 U = ... t = ... V = 1.0
Will the simulation be carried out with V = 0? I checked the trial runs using above parameters against the known results in the literature regarding the extened Bose-Hubbard model with non-vanishing V and find a good agreement.... Answers will be gratefully appreciated!
Sincerely, Fu-Jiun
Using the dirloop_sse code there should be no difference. NONLOCAL is used only in the worm code.
Dear Prof. Troyer
Thank you very much for your quick response.
Sincerely, Fu-Jiun
On Thu, 26 Nov 2009, Matthias Troyer wrote:
On Nov 26, 2009, at 3:14 PM, Fu-Jiun Jiang ITP wrote:
Dear Prof. Troyer
Thanks for the reply. Something bothers me as follows. Let's say if in the script I have
NONLOCAL = 0 U = ... t = ... V = 1.0
Will the simulation be carried out with V = 0? I checked the trial runs using above parameters against the known results in the literature regarding the extened Bose-Hubbard model with non-vanishing V and find a good agreement.... Answers will be gratefully appreciated!
Sincerely, Fu-Jiun
Using the dirloop_sse code there should be no difference. NONLOCAL is used only in the worm code.