Dear all I only want to find the charge correlation function <n:n> for a 4*2 lattice with 2 particles. as this is not the lowest state it did not come in sparsediag result. fulldiag calculates the whole spectrum which takes much time and i do not need. If there can be any setting of parameter that we calculate "n:n" only for this state. e.g Nup=1 Ndown=1
LATTICE_LIBRARY="/temp/ALPS/xml/lattices.xml" MODEL_LIBRARY="/temp/ALPS/xml/models.xml"
MODEL="fermion Hubbard" LATTICE="anisotropic square lattice"
L=4 W=2
MEASURE_CORRELATIONS[charge correlation]="n:n" MEASURE_AVERAGE[Total Particles]="n"
U=0 {t=1.0}
I need a program that calculate only for one particular state without needing to calculate all the spectrum.
I am copying my program for information
Best Regards Khalid Loane
Do you want the lowest state for Nup=Nodwn=1?
On Jan 20, 2009, at 1:06 PM, khalid hassan wrote:
Dear all I only want to find the charge correlation function <n:n> for a 4*2 lattice with 2 particles. as this is not the lowest state it did not come in sparsediag result. fulldiag calculates the whole spectrum which takes much time and i do not need. If there can be any setting of parameter that we calculate "n:n" only for this state. e.g Nup=1 Ndown=1
LATTICE_LIBRARY="/temp/ALPS/xml/lattices.xml" MODEL_LIBRARY="/temp/ALPS/xml/models.xml"
MODEL="fermion Hubbard" LATTICE="anisotropic square lattice"
L=4 W=2
MEASURE_CORRELATIONS[charge correlation]="n:n" MEASURE_AVERAGE[Total Particles]="n"
U=0 {t=1.0}
I need a program that calculate only for one particular state without needing to calculate all the spectrum.
I am copying my program for information
Best Regards Khalid Loane