Dear all, I have a question about the boundary set.In the past, I use the boundary conditions is open boundary conditions in DMRG,but now i want to eliminate the impact of open boundary,so i need to use periodic boundary conditions.In the lattices file i find its setting ,like this:
<LATTICEGRAPH name = "inhomogeneous chain lattice"> <FINITELATTICE> <LATTICE ref="chain lattice"/> <EXTENT dimension="1" size ="L"/> <BOUNDARY type="periodic"/> </FINITELATTICE> <UNITCELL ref="simple1d"/> <INHOMOGENEOUS><VERTEX/></INHOMOGENEOUS> </LATTICEGRAPH>
but i still have a question about the accuracy of periodic boundary conditions,because i once read an paper on this question,it points out that DMRG offers much poorer results for problems with periodic boundary conditions (PBC) than for those with open boundary conditions(OBC),.The paper is attached. I wonder whether the problem has been solved. if yes,could you give me a paper with periodic boundary conditions to verify the correctness ?
In addition,if i want to set a smooth boundary condition,what should i do in the lattices file?
It is highly grateful for your any suggestions.
Yours sincerely,
Xingbo Wei Zhejiang Normal Universtiy, Jinhua, 230014, China