Hi ADRIAN I run DMRG program for antiferromagnetic S=1/2 chain,but the result that i achieve for groun state energy doesn't concur with the result that has achieved from bethe ansats method (0.443147). I have changed m&sweep& number of sites(to 1000 site) but my result just 2 digit concur with 0.443147. I don't know what must i do. I will be very appreciate if you can guide me.
Thanks zhian
What is the system size? There are finite size corrections. As you increase the size it should converge
On Dec 2, 2008, at 8:13 AM, zhian asadzadeh wrote:
Hi ADRIAN I run DMRG program for antiferromagnetic S=1/2 chain,but the result that i achieve for groun state energy doesn't concur with the result that has achieved from bethe ansats method (0.443147). I have changed m&sweep& number of sites(to 1000 site) but my result just 2 digit concur with 0.443147. I don't know what must i do. I will be very appreciate if you can guide me.
Thanks zhian