Dear ALPS community,
We are trying to use SSE to study 3D BoseGlass, our input file is the following:
LATTICE_LIBRARY="lattices.xml"; LATTICE="inhomogeneous simple cubic lattice"; L=2; W=2; H=2; MODEL_LIBRARY="models.xml"; MODEL="hardcore boson"; t = 1.0; T = 0.2; SWEEPS=500000; THERMALIZATION=10000; {DISORDERSEED = 34275; mu=delta*2*(random()-0.5);} {delta=0.0} {delta=1.0} {delta=2.0} {delta=3.0} {delta=4.0} {delta=5.0} . The "parameter2xml input" step is fine, but after doing "dirloop_sse ", it says"too many positional options". We do know how to solve this problem.
We also tried the example of 2D BoseGlass model in the ALPS wiki webpage, the code of worm algorithm is
LATTICE_LIBRARY="../lattices.xml"; LATTICE="inhomogeneous square lattice"; L=4;
MODEL_LIBRARY="../models.xml"; MODEL="boson Hubbard"; NONLOCAL=0; U = 1.0; Nmax = 2; t = 1.0; T = 0.1; delta = 5.0; SWEEPS=500000; THERMALIZATION=10000;
{ DISORDERSEED = 34275; mu=delta*2*(random()-0.5); } { DISORDERSEED = 49802; mu=delta*2*(random()-0.5); } { DISORDERSEED = 82529; mu=delta*2*(random()-0.5); }
, we just use the same code but for SSE, and meet the same "too many positional options" problem. It seems one should modify the input file, but we don't know how. Thank you in advance.
Best, Xiaoquan
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how do you run dirloop_sse?
On 23 Nov 2010, at 19:34, Xiao Quan Yu wrote:
Dear ALPS community,
We are trying to use SSE to study 3D BoseGlass, our input file is
the following:
LATTICE_LIBRARY="lattices.xml"; LATTICE="inhomogeneous simple cubic lattice"; L=2; W=2; H=2; MODEL_LIBRARY="models.xml"; MODEL="hardcore boson"; t = 1.0; T = 0.2; SWEEPS=500000; THERMALIZATION=10000; {DISORDERSEED = 34275; mu=delta*2*(random()-0.5);} {delta=0.0} {delta=1.0} {delta=2.0} {delta=3.0} {delta=4.0} {delta=5.0} . The "parameter2xml input" step is fine, but after doing "dirloop_sse ", it says"too many positional options". We do know how to solve this problem.
We also tried the example of 2D BoseGlass model in the ALPS wiki webpage, the code of worm algorithm is
LATTICE_LIBRARY="../lattices.xml"; LATTICE="inhomogeneous square lattice"; L=4;
MODEL_LIBRARY="../models.xml"; MODEL="boson Hubbard"; NONLOCAL=0; U = 1.0; Nmax = 2; t = 1.0; T = 0.1; delta = 5.0; SWEEPS=500000; THERMALIZATION=10000;
{ DISORDERSEED = 34275; mu=delta*2*(random()-0.5); } { DISORDERSEED = 49802; mu=delta*2*(random()-0.5); } { DISORDERSEED = 82529; mu=delta*2*(random()-0.5); }
, we just use the same code but for SSE, and meet the same "too many positional options" problem. It seems one should modify the input file, but we don't know how. Thank you in advance.
Best, Xiaoquan
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