Hi! Maybe you forget to add the the installation path to the envionment variables in the .bash_profile file, as follows: PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin:$HOME/bin/ALPS/bin export PATH Then run the command "source .bash_profile" in the command line.
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Today's Topics:
- Fulldiag (zhian asadzadeh)
Message: 1 Date: Tue, 14 Apr 2009 11:08:12 +0430 From: zhian asadzadeh zhian.asadzadeh@gmail.com Subject: [ALPS-users] Fulldiag To: Comp-phys-alps-users@phys.ethz.ch Message-ID: 89e5d6760904132338y38d7a020tfbd0208cb5633433@mail.gmail.com Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
Hi Dear,
I am using fulldiag application for my problem but when I use this command:
*fulldiag_evaluate parm1.task1.out.xml*
I got this error: *bash: fulldiag_evaluate: command not found*
And also I have not, for example, Magnetization and susceptebility and ... in the parm1.task.out.xml.
What is wrong?
Thanks, Zhian.