Dear all, while performing some simulations in BH model (DWA code), I encountered problems with convergence in the vicinity of the critical point for small temperature T and a large linear dimension L. What is the root cause for the complexity of the simulation in such a case? I seem to get a large systematic error (which looks non-random as a a function of hamiltonian coupling constants). Is there any way to improve convergence?
While searching output hdf5 files for additional clues, and the DWA documentation, I have encountered the error_convergence in output files. Could I ask what exactly it is? Is it related to the "binning analysis" which has been discussed throughout the alps website?
Is there is a build-in method for convergence analysis? that would be very helpful.
Best regards, Oskar A. Prośniak
Loot at tutorial to understand critical slowing down. That is what seems to be happening. The required runtimes diverge with problem size close to a phase transition.
You need to be careful in that regime, start at high T and small L, and slowly increase L or lower T once you are sure that your data has converged.
On Jan 22, 2019, at 11:57, Oskar Amadeusz Prośniak wrote:
Dear all, while performing some simulations in BH model (DWA code), I encountered problems with convergence in the vicinity of the critical point for small temperature T and a large linear dimension L. What is the root cause for the complexity of the simulation in such a case? I seem to get a large systematic error (which looks non-random as a a function of hamiltonian coupling constants). Is there any way to improve convergence?
While searching output hdf5 files for additional clues, and the DWA documentation, I have encountered the error_convergence in output files. Could I ask what exactly it is? Is it related to the "binning analysis" which has been discussed throughout the alps website?
Is there is a build-in method for convergence analysis? that would be very helpful.
Best regards, Oskar A. Prośniak
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