Dear all,
I wonder if I can ask you how to setup a script to run an exact diagonalization of a spinless extended Hubbard model on a 4-sites system. I have read the tutorial but still do not get the idea of how to do it.
I want to specify the model Hamiltonian with a nearest neighbor hopping t, a nearest neighbor interaction strength V1 and a second nearest neighbor interaction strength V2. Where should I define these parameters?
thanks a lot for your kind help!
Best regards, Jun
Dear Jun,
What do you mean by 4-site system? a periodic chain of length four? A periodic 2x2 lattice? an open chain? a single 2x2 plaquette?
On 31 May 2010, at 15:54, jun wen wrote:
Dear all,
I wonder if I can ask you how to setup a script to run an exact diagonalization of a spinless extended Hubbard model on a 4-sites system. I have read the tutorial but still do not get the idea of how to do it.
I want to specify the model Hamiltonian with a nearest neighbor hopping t, a nearest neighbor interaction strength V1 and a second nearest neighbor interaction strength V2. Where should I define these parameters?
thanks a lot for your kind help!
Best regards, Jun
Dear Dr. Troyer
Thanks for your kind reply! I mean a periodic 2X2 lattice. I am very confused by the tutorials on the definitions of the lattice and model and how to specify the Hamiltonian and definition of measurement, say, correlation functions and the ground state energy. I wonder if a detailed user-guide will appear soon.
Best regards, Jun
On Tue, Jun 1, 2010 at 11:26 AM, Matthias Troyer wrote:
Dear Jun,
What do you mean by 4-site system? a periodic chain of length four? A periodic 2x2 lattice? an open chain? a single 2x2 plaquette?
On 31 May 2010, at 15:54, jun wen wrote:
Dear all,
I wonder if I can ask you how to setup a script to run an exact diagonalization of a spinless extended Hubbard model on a 4-sites system. I have read the tutorial but still do not get the idea of how to do it.
I want to specify the model Hamiltonian with a nearest neighbor hopping t, a nearest neighbor interaction strength V1 and a second nearest neighbor interaction strength V2. Where should I define these parameters?
thanks a lot for your kind help!
Best regards, Jun