Attached the input files. If I remeber correctly, with alps 2.0.0 I did not encounter this problem.
Sebastian Huber
Department of Condensed Matter Physics
The Weizmann Institute of Science
76100 Rehovot
Tel: +972 8 934 4258
On 22.11.2011, at 09:36, Matthias Troyer wrote:
> Can you please send the full input files as attachment and I will take a look?
> Matthias
> On Nov 22, 2011, at 12:17 AM, Sebastian Huber wrote:
>> Didn't help. I played a bit with operator names. But the fact that MEASURE_LOCAL does perform something made me believe that it is not the cure.
>> Thanks for the quick answer, Sebastian
>> --
>> Sebastian Huber
>> Department of Condensed Matter Physics
>> The Weizmann Institute of Science
>> 76100 Rehovot
>> Web:
>> Tel: +972 8 934 4258
>> On 22.11.2011, at 01:11, Matthias Troyer wrote:
>>> Try not to use a minus (-) in the operator name, but instead an underscore or similar
>>> On 22 Nov 2011, at 00:09, Sebastian Huber wrote:
>>>> Dear all,
>>>> I have an inhomogeneous lattice problem and I try to measure a "local" bondoperator, e.g., the current over one bond only. I get the following error from the sparsediag application
>>>> Did not parse to end of string '(one-bond)/4(i)'
>>>> when I try to do a "MEASURE_AVERAGE". I get no error if I use "MEASURE_LOCAL". I am a bit puzzled that "MEASURE_LOCAL" does something all together as my operator contains more than one site, which is in violation to a condition on local measurements on the alps webpage. I paste a minimal (silly) set of configuration files which produces this error below. Help would be greatly appreciated.
>>>> Sebastian
>>>> lanczosconf:
>>>> MODEL="simple";
>>>> LATTICE="2x2"
>>>> LATTICE_LIBRARY="graph.xml"
>>>> MODEL_LIBRARY="model.xml"
>>>> COMPLEX=true;
>>>> t=-1;
>>>> Nup_total=1;
>>>> Ndown_total=1;
>>>> MEASURE_AVERAGE[one-bond]=one-bond;
>>>> {U=1;}
>>>> graph.xml:
>>>> <GRAPH name="2x2" dimension="2" vertices="4" edges="9">
>>>> <VERTEX id="1" type="0"><COORDINATE>0 0</COORDINATE></VERTEX>
>>>> <VERTEX id="2" type="0"><COORDINATE>1 0</COORDINATE></VERTEX>
>>>> <VERTEX id="3" type="0"><COORDINATE>0 1</COORDINATE></VERTEX>
>>>> <VERTEX id="4" type="0"><COORDINATE>1 1</COORDINATE></VERTEX>
>>>> <EDGE source="1" target="2" id="1" type="1" vector="1 0"/>
>>>> <EDGE source="2" target="1" id="2" type="2" vector="1 0"/>
>>>> <EDGE source="3" target="4" id="3" type="3" vector="1 0"/>
>>>> <EDGE source="4" target="3" id="4" type="4" vector="1 0"/>
>>>> <EDGE source="1" target="3" id="5" type="5" vector="0 1"/>
>>>> <EDGE source="2" target="4" id="6" type="6" vector="0 1"/>
>>>> <EDGE source="3" target="1" id="7" type="7" vector="0 1"/>
>>>> <EDGE source="4" target="2" id="8" type="8" vector="0 1"/>
>>>> <EDGE source="1" target="4" id="9" type="9" vector="1 1"/>
>>>> </GRAPH>
>>>> </LATTICES>
>>>> model.xml
>>>> <MODELS>
>>>> <SITEBASIS name="fermion">
>>>> <QUANTUMNUMBER name="Nup" min="0" max="1" type="fermionic"/>
>>>> <QUANTUMNUMBER name="Ndown" min="0" max="1" type="fermionic"/>
>>>> <OPERATOR name="Splus" matrixelement="1/2">
>>>> <CHANGE quantumnumber="Nup" change="1"/>
>>>> <CHANGE quantumnumber="Ndown" change="-1"/>
>>>> </OPERATOR>
>>>> <OPERATOR name="Sminus" matrixelement="1/2">
>>>> <CHANGE quantumnumber="Nup" change="-1"/>
>>>> <CHANGE quantumnumber="Ndown" change="+1"/>
>>>> </OPERATOR>
>>>> <OPERATOR name="Sz" matrixelement="(Nup-Ndown)/2"/>
>>>> <OPERATOR name="Nup" matrixelement="Nup"/>
>>>> <OPERATOR name="Ndown" matrixelement="Ndown"/>
>>>> <OPERATOR name="c_down" matrixelement="1">
>>>> <CHANGE quantumnumber="Ndown" change="-1"/>
>>>> </OPERATOR>
>>>> <OPERATOR name="cdag_down" matrixelement="1">
>>>> <CHANGE quantumnumber="Ndown" change="1"/>
>>>> </OPERATOR>
>>>> <OPERATOR name="c_up" matrixelement="1">
>>>> <CHANGE quantumnumber="Nup" change="-1"/>
>>>> </OPERATOR>
>>>> <OPERATOR name="cdag_up" matrixelement="1">
>>>> <CHANGE quantumnumber="Nup" change="1"/>
>>>> </OPERATOR>
>>>> <OPERATOR name="n" matrixelement="Nup+Ndown"/>
>>>> <OPERATOR name="n_up" matrixelement="Nup"/>
>>>> <OPERATOR name="n_down" matrixelement="Ndown"/>
>>>> <BASIS name="fermion">
>>>> <SITEBASIS ref="fermion"/>
>>>> <CONSTRAINT quantumnumber="Nup" value="Nup_total"/>
>>>> <CONSTRAINT quantumnumber="Ndown" value="Ndown_total"/>
>>>> </BASIS>
>>>> <BONDOPERATOR name="one-bond" source="1" target="2">
>>>> I*(cdag_up(1)*c_up(2)-cdag_up(2)*c_up(1))
>>>> <HAMILTONIAN name="simple">
>>>> <PARAMETER name="U" default="1"/>
>>>> <BASIS ref="fermion"/>
>>>> <SITETERM site="i">
>>>> U*n_up(i)*n_down(i)
>>>> </SITETERM>
>>>> </MODELS>
>>>> --
>>>> Sebastian Huber
>>>> Department of Condensed Matter Physics
>>>> The Weizmann Institute of Science
>>>> 76100 Rehovot
>>>> Web:
>>>> Tel: +972 8 934 4258