I have created binary packages of ALPS 2.0.0rc2 for Debian GNU/Linux (primary for sid(unstable), but should work also on squeeze(testing)).
The apt line is as follows:
deb http://alps.comp-phys.org/static/software/debian/sid ./ deb-src http://alps.comp-phys.org/static/software/debian/sid ./
Currently, I have only compiled amd64 packages.
I can run python-based tutorials with these binary packages[1][2], but if you find any bugs related to debian packaging, please open the trac ticket and assign to me(rigarash) or just report to the ML.
[1] Since all binaries/scripts are installed system-wide, use 'python' instead of 'alpspython'.
[2] This package does not contain dirloop-sse binary because of the incompatibility of lpsolve library.
Best regards,