I am trying to install ALPS on 64 bit Windows 7.
I followed the following steps:
(1) I installed vistrails from the binary executable.
(2) I then downloaded and installed ALPS (both from the main binary package and also the nightly snapshot) and also the ALPS vistrails binary package.
(3) I set the paths manually to add
C:\Program Files\Vistrails\vistrails\Python27_64;C:\Program Files\Vistrails\vistrails\Python27_64\lib;C:\Program Files\ALPS\bin;
so that vispython and python can be run from the command prompt.
(4) I copied the tutorial directory to my Desktop.
(5) I then entered the tutorial directory and executed test_py.py using python.
The resulting pytest.log was as follows:
dmft-02-hybridization\tutorial2a.py: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "tutorial2a.py", line 27, in <module>
import pyalps
from ngs import *
File "C:\Program Files\VisTrails\vistrails\Python27_64\lib\site-packages\pyalps\ngs.py", line 61, in <module>
from pyngsobservable_c import createRealObservable #remove this with new ALEA!
ImportError: cannot import name createRealObservable
I got a similar error when I typed import pyalps in vispython.
Any suggestions on what I did wrong would be great.
thanks, Jay Deep Sau.
Hi Jay,
I recommend that for Windows you only use a release version. The nightly snapshots are not tested for Windows. You should thus only need to install VisTrails and the latest ALPS release. Please tell me exactly which error you get there and I will help.
On Dec 29, 2012, at 16:04, "Jay Deep Sau" jaydsau@physics.harvard.edu wrote:
I am trying to install ALPS on 64 bit Windows 7.
I followed the following steps:
(1) I installed vistrails from the binary executable.
(2) I then downloaded and installed ALPS (both from the main binary package and also the nightly snapshot) and also the ALPS vistrails binary package.
(3) I set the paths manually to add
C:\Program Files\Vistrails\vistrails\Python27_64;C:\Program Files\Vistrails\vistrails\Python27_64\lib;C:\Program Files\ALPS\bin;
so that vispython and python can be run from the command prompt.
(4) I copied the tutorial directory to my Desktop.
(5) I then entered the tutorial directory and executed test_py.py using python.
The resulting pytest.log was as follows: dmft-02-hybridization\tutorial2a.py: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "tutorial2a.py", line 27, in <module>
import pyalps
from ngs import *
File "C:\Program Files\VisTrails\vistrails\Python27_64\lib\site-packages\pyalps\ngs.py", line 61, in <module>
from pyngsobservable_c import createRealObservable #remove this with new ALEA!
ImportError: cannot import name createRealObservable
I got a similar error when I typed import pyalps in vispython.
Any suggestions on what I did wrong would be great.
thanks, Jay Deep Sau.