Dear ALPS users,
I ran into an issue when I tried to get the ground state energy of L=16 Hubbard 1d chain using ALPS' sparsediag. My input file is attached. The script works for L=12 and 14. With L=16, the simulation just terminated without giving any warnings or error messages. Not sure what was going on. Is it possible that my machine's running out of memory because L=16 is a rather large system in terms of Hilbert space size.
Thanks for your time and help.
====================== Chia-Chen Chang
You most likely ran out of memory
On Mar 10, 2016, at 11:30, Chia-Chen Chang wrote:
Dear ALPS users,
I ran into an issue when I tried to get the ground state energy of L=16 Hubbard 1d chain using ALPS' sparsediag. My input file is attached. The script works for L=12 and 14. With L=16, the simulation just terminated without giving any warnings or error messages. Not sure what was going on. Is it possible that my machine's running out of memory because L=16 is a rather large system in terms of Hilbert space size.
Thanks for your time and help.
====================== Chia-Chen Chang