Dear All, I am running a Classical Monte Carlo simulation (spinsim, ALPS v. 1.3) on a certain frustrated magnetic lattice. I am trying to simulate one material's behaviour in low temperature (T/J~0.01). I have made quick and dirty modifications of the spinsim.h in order to extract the actual snapshots of the simulated system. Via snapshots, I am extracting the system's structure factor and calculating the neutron Bragg peak intensities vs. field.
My material is complicated and its field properties (and this, after looking at the results seems to be the case with the structure factors, not so with magnetization) may depend on the ground state and the details of the simulation.
I have a following question: If I specify the input file like the following:
LATTICE="my lattice" LATTICE_LIBRARY="../../lattices.xml" T=0.01 J=-1 THERMALIZATION=100000 SWEEPS=5000000 UPDATE="local" MODEL="Ising" L=100 W=100 {h=0;} {h=1;} {h=2;}
what actually happens?
Does ths start three simulations that are completely separate (starting from i.e. random values of the ground state before), or it is the same simulation meaning that here the simulation with h=0 finishes, the field is applied to *that* ground state and then the simulation continues for h=1? I seem to need the latter case.
I hope my question is clear, if it is not, I can rephrase and add more details. Best and thanks for the great work, Kruno
--------------------------------------- Krunoslav Prsa, Ph. D. Student Laboratory for Neutron Scattering Paul Scherrer Institute and ETH-Zürich CH-5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland tel: +41 56 310 20 91 mob: +41 76 386 17 99 ----------------------------------------
On Jan 21, 2009, at 5:10 AM, Prsa Krunoslav wrote:
{h=0;} {h=1;} {h=2;}
what actually happens?
Does ths start three simulations that are completely separate (starting from i.e. random values of the ground state before), or it is the same simulation meaning that here the simulation with h=0 finishes, the field is applied to *that* ground state and then the simulation continues for h=1? I seem to need the latter case.
It is three different simulations. The other case will need modifications of the code.