Dear ALPS developers, The Hamiltonian in ALPS is defined by a XML file. Which XML parser the ALPS use, Xerces-c++-XML parser or Boost-c++-XML parser?
Regards, Bo Li
Dear Bo Li,
ALPS XML parser itself was written so that Expat, Xerces C++, and build-in XML parsers can be used as an parse engine. But currently we are using our hand-made built-in XML parser.
Best, Synge
On 2012/06/01, at 8:06, Bo Li wrote:
Dear ALPS developers, The Hamiltonian in ALPS is defined by a XML file. Which XML parser the ALPS use, Xerces-c++-XML parser or Boost-c++-XML parser?
Regards, Bo Li
Dear Synge Thank you very much
2012/6/1 Synge Todo
Dear Bo Li,
ALPS XML parser itself was written so that Expat, Xerces C++, and build-in XML parsers can be used as an parse engine. But currently we are using our hand-made built-in XML parser.
Best, Synge
On 2012/06/01, at 8:06, Bo Li wrote:
Dear ALPS developers, The Hamiltonian in ALPS is defined by a XML file. Which XML
parser the ALPS use, Xerces-c++-XML parser or Boost-c++-XML parser?
Regards, Bo Li