Begin forwarded message:
From: "Adrian E. Feiguin" Date: 3 August 2011 17:30:28 MDT
Dear colleague,
We would like you to encourage students and young researchers to participate in the following school on numerical methods to be held in Bariloche, Argentina, Dec. 2-5 2011 and related conferences:
ANDES/ALPS School on Numerical Methods for Many-Body Theories Dec. 2-5, 2011 Bariloche, Argentina and
The deadline is pretty soon: August 5!
We are attaching the flyer of both events and kindly ask you to please print it out and hang it up in your group.
We thank you for your collaboration,
With best regards,
The ANDES/ALPS School Organizing Committee: Pablo Cornaglia Adrian Feiguin Daniel Garcia Karen Hallberg Gonzalo Usaj Web page:
ANDES/ALPS School on Numerical Methods for Many-Body Theories
Bariloche, Argentina, Dec. 2 to 5, 2011
This school is aimed at advanced students in Physics and Chemistry. It will cover several of the most important numerical methods used in Many-Body Theories, taught by world leaders in the field. Some partial support is available for a reduced number of students. There will be hands-on activities for a practical learning of the computational tools. There is no registration fee for this activity. The activities will take place at the campus of the Centro Atómico Bariloche (located 9.5km West of the city of Bariloche) and students will be lodged on campus and at hotels in Bariloche.
LECTURERS: Uli Schollwoeck: The Density Matrix Renormalization Group (DMRG) and Matrix Product States Adrián Feiguin: Time-dependent Methods Simon Trebst: Series Expansions Matthias Troyer: Quantum Monte Carlo Philip Werner: Impurity Solvers for DMFT and Diagrammatic Monte Carlo Techniques Antoine Georges, Michel Ferrero and Markus Aichhorn: Realistic Simulations for Strongly Correlated Materials (DMFT+DFT) Thomas Pruschke: The Numerical Renormalization Group (NRG)
Deadlines: Registration and Reception of Abstracts August 5, 2011 Acceptance of Contributions August 26, 2011 Registration fee (early payment) October 1, 2011 (full support is available for a limited number of students upon request)
Related conferences:
- 16th International Conference on Recent Progress in Many-Body
Theories - RPMBT16 Bariloche, Argentina, Nov. 28 to Dec. 2 2011 (
- New Frontiers in the Physics of Two Dimensional Electron Systems,
Buenos Aires, Nov. 23-25 2011 (
-- Adrian E. Feiguin Assistant Professor Dept. of Physics and Astronomy University of Wyoming 307-766-6534