Thanks for looking into it! I tried the newest SVN version 6991 and except for one thing everything went smoothly. My last problem is resolved now. I encountered the following error on compilation:
During cmake, I got:
CMake Error at applications/qmc/dwa/CMakeLists.txt:27 (install): install TARGETS given target "" which does not exist in this directory.
I commented out the lines mentioned above, since I don't need it and compilation continued successfully.
best wishes, Steffen
it seems that the hybridization3 code was not deemed important enough to make it into the 2.1 branch. We're working on fixing this (thanks for telling!!!). For now, the svn code should be stable and have all the things you need. Can you confirm?
Cheers, Emanuel
On Aug 21, 2013, at 12:45 PM, wrote:
Hi Emanuel,
thanks for the quick answer! Here is the parameter file I've been using for both versions of the code. alps-2.1.2-r6963 gives the error, alps-2.1.1-r6670 runs fine. But I will try the newest version from the SVN repositories and will report the results.
SEED = 0 THERMALIZATION = 1000 SWEEPS = 10000000 MAX_TIME = 60 BETA = 40.0 N_MEAS = 50 N_HISTOGRAM_ORDERS = 50 N_ORBITALS = 10 U_MATRIX = "umatrix.dat" MU_VECTOR = "mu_vector.dat" DELTA = "delta_0.dat" N_TAU = 1000 TEXT_OUTPUT = 1 VERBOSE = 1 OUTPUT_PERIOD = 100000 MEASURE_freq = 0 MEASURE_legendre = 1 N_LEGENDRE = 50 N_MATSUBARA = 500
best wishes, Steffen
Hi Steffen,
could you please send me the new and old parameter file? There have been quite a few changes since December and I'll need to figure out which of these caused the problem...
On Aug 21, 2013, at 7:51 AM, wrote:
Dear all,
I want to use the newest version of the ALPS Hybridization Expansion Impurity Solver from the nightly build 2.1.2-r6963. Compilation is successful, but when running the solver with a simple test case I get the following Error (I shortened the paths for readability):
hybridization parm.h5
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error' what(): No parameter available In [..]/alps/src/alps/ngs/detail/paramproxy.hpp on 78 in cast [..]applications/dmft/qmc/hybridization(_ZNK4alps6detail10paramproxy4castIiEET_v+0x13d) [0x42dbad] [..]applications/dmft/qmc/hybridization(_ZN13hybridizationC1ERKN4alps6paramsEi+0x10b8) [0x43f968] [..]applications/dmft/qmc/hybridization(main+0x103) [0x41dfe3] /lib64/ [0x7ffff415fcdd] [..]applications/dmft/qmc/hybridization() [0x41d409]
I tested a previous version 2.1.1-r6670 with identical compilation process on the same input files and it works flawlessly.
There seem to be some significant changes in this version: There is a new hybridization2 folder in applications/dmft/qmc/ and also the Documentation inside this directory vanished. Do I have to change something in my parm.h5 input file for this new version?
Thanks for your help. Best wishes, Steffen