Dear All, I am writing again as it seems taht my email got forgotten. I would like to ask again if it is possible to define local operators somehow as matrices (and giving matrices as a table of numbers).
That is instead if defining rule that n^2 operator should have matrix element n*n i would liket o be able to say that:
T= 1 |1><1> + 6.78 |2><2| + 78.2 |3><3| +... for diagonal operator (and possibly also for nondiagonal operators). Up to now the onyl way i thought was to define a kronecker delta operator (in the code, recompile) which would be used to define:
KD(1,n) + KD(2,n)+6.78 +78.2 DK(3,n) for the diagonal operators...
Regards, Mateusz