Begin forwarded message:
From: André-Marie Tremblay Date: February 17, 2014 at 3:33:44 GMT+1 To: "'chubukov'" Subject: International summer school on Computational Methods for Quantum Materials
Dear colleague,
This is a last-minute reminder that the deadline for application for the School on Computational Methods for Quantum Materials has been extended to this coming Friday, Feb. 21. Please encourage your students to apply.
When: May 26 to June 6, 2014 Where: Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada
The School will stress the cross-fertilization between ab initio approaches and those for highly correlated quantum materials. The school can be credited for a PhD course. Special attention will be given to pedagogical aspects.
Hands-on training on ABINIT, ALPS, a Wien2K+DMFT code and on the ITensor code for DMRG will be an integral part of the School.
The application form and detailed information about the School are available at
Lecturers: Côté, Michel Del Maestro, Adrian Garate, Ion Haule, Kristjan Kotliar, Gabi Melko, Roger Orus, Roman Rignanese, Gian-Marco Schöllwock, Uli Sénéchal, David Tremblay, André-Marie Troyer, Matthias Werner, Philipp Stoudenmire, Miles
Best regards, André-Marie Tremblay