Dear All, I am using the following code (file to read ALPS results. When I run the simulation using (v1) (file below), then I am getting some result, when I am using (v2) then I am getting no results and output file read error. The v1 and v2 of differ by a single byte: in v1 the boseHubbard hopping in 0.02 while in the other it is 0.2. lattice.xml and models.xml are standard files (I planned to change them, but first I wanted some test data from a starndard BH).
Does anyone know what I am doing wrong? I am using alps revision 7650.
Best, Mateusz Łącki
************************************ *************** import pyalps
bin_dir = '/nfs/andy2/home/lacki/alps/install22b4/bin/'
# Setting graphical output import matplotlib as mpl mpl.use('agg')
# Evaluating the simulation and preparing plots using Python import pyalps import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pyalps.plot as aplt
results = pyalps.getResultFiles(prefix='parm1a') print(results)
data = pyalps.loadMeasurements(results,what=['Local Density^2',]) rhos = pyalps.collectXY(data,x='t',y='Local Density^2')
print('rhos',rhos) ***************************************************************************
************************************ (v1) *************** import pyalps
bin_dir = '/nfs/andy2/home/lacki/alps/install22b4/bin/'
parms = [] for t in [0.02, ]: parms.append( { 'LATTICE_LIBRARY' : "lattices.xml", 'MODEL_LIBRARY' : "models.xml", 'LATTICE' : "square lattice", 'MODEL' : "boson Hubbard", 'T' : 0.1, 'L' : 4 , 't' : t , 'mu' : 0.5, 'U' : 1.0 , 'Nmax' : 5 , 'THERMALIZATION' : 10000, 'SWEEPS' : 2000000, 'SKIP' : 10, 'MEASURE[Winding Number]': 1, 'MEASURE[Local Density^2]': 1, 'RESTRICT_MEASUREMENTS[N]': 16 } )
input_file = pyalps.writeInputFiles('parm1a', parms) res = pyalps.runApplication(bin_dir+'dwa', input_file, Tmin=5, writexml=True) **************************************************************
************************************ (v2) *************** import pyalps
bin_dir = '/nfs/andy2/home/lacki/alps/install22b4/bin/'
parms = [] for t in [0.2, ]: parms.append( { 'LATTICE_LIBRARY' : "lattices.xml", 'MODEL_LIBRARY' : "models.xml", 'LATTICE' : "square lattice", 'MODEL' : "boson Hubbard", 'T' : 0.1, 'L' : 4 , 't' : t , 'mu' : 0.5, 'U' : 1.0 , 'Nmax' : 5 , 'THERMALIZATION' : 10000, 'SWEEPS' : 2000000, 'SKIP' : 10, 'MEASURE[Winding Number]': 1, 'MEASURE[Local Density^2]': 1, 'RESTRICT_MEASUREMENTS[N]': 16 } )
input_file = pyalps.writeInputFiles('parm1a', parms) res = pyalps.runApplication(bin_dir+'dwa', input_file, Tmin=5, writexml=True) **************************************************************
I will reply myself: when there are zero samples that give number of particles equal to "RESTRICT_MEASUREMENTS[N]", then that path in the hdf5 file is empty and the python raises the error.
Best, Mateusz
On 25/05/2020, Mateusz Łącki wrote:
Dear All, I am using the following code (file to read ALPS results. When I run the simulation using (v1) (file below), then I am getting some result, when I am using (v2) then I am getting no results and output file read error. The v1 and v2 of differ by a single byte: in v1 the boseHubbard hopping in 0.02 while in the other it is 0.2. lattice.xml and models.xml are standard files (I planned to change them, but first I wanted some test data from a starndard BH).
Does anyone know what I am doing wrong? I am using alps revision 7650.
Best, Mateusz Łącki
************************************ *************** import pyalps
bin_dir = '/nfs/andy2/home/lacki/alps/install22b4/bin/'
# Setting graphical output import matplotlib as mpl mpl.use('agg')
# Evaluating the simulation and preparing plots using Python import pyalps import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pyalps.plot as aplt
results = pyalps.getResultFiles(prefix='parm1a') print(results)
data = pyalps.loadMeasurements(results,what=['Local Density^2',]) rhos = pyalps.collectXY(data,x='t',y='Local Density^2')
************************************ (v1) *************** import pyalps
bin_dir = '/nfs/andy2/home/lacki/alps/install22b4/bin/'
parms = [] for t in [0.02, ]: parms.append( { 'LATTICE_LIBRARY' : "lattices.xml", 'MODEL_LIBRARY' : "models.xml", 'LATTICE' : "square lattice", 'MODEL' : "boson Hubbard", 'T' : 0.1, 'L' : 4 , 't' : t , 'mu' : 0.5, 'U' : 1.0 , 'Nmax' : 5 , 'THERMALIZATION' : 10000, 'SWEEPS' : 2000000, 'SKIP' : 10, 'MEASURE[Winding Number]': 1, 'MEASURE[Local Density^2]': 1, 'RESTRICT_MEASUREMENTS[N]': 16 } )
input_file = pyalps.writeInputFiles('parm1a', parms) res = pyalps.runApplication(bin_dir+'dwa', input_file, Tmin=5, writexml=True)
************************************ (v2) *************** import pyalps
bin_dir = '/nfs/andy2/home/lacki/alps/install22b4/bin/'
parms = [] for t in [0.2, ]: parms.append( { 'LATTICE_LIBRARY' : "lattices.xml", 'MODEL_LIBRARY' : "models.xml", 'LATTICE' : "square lattice", 'MODEL' : "boson Hubbard", 'T' : 0.1, 'L' : 4 , 't' : t , 'mu' : 0.5, 'U' : 1.0 , 'Nmax' : 5 , 'THERMALIZATION' : 10000, 'SWEEPS' : 2000000, 'SKIP' : 10, 'MEASURE[Winding Number]': 1, 'MEASURE[Local Density^2]': 1, 'RESTRICT_MEASUREMENTS[N]': 16 } )
input_file = pyalps.writeInputFiles('parm1a', parms) res = pyalps.runApplication(bin_dir+'dwa', input_file, Tmin=5, writexml=True)