Dear All, what exactly is the "Green Function" as measured by the dirloop_SSEv4 code for the "Boson hubbard" model? I have computed that for BH for deep mott regime (t=0.005 T=0.05) and I get for mu=2.5 density =3 (as expected) but the (0,0) entry of the green's function is 35 (independent of lattice length). It neither corresponds to \sum_x <b(x)bdag(x)> (should be L*(n+1) then) nor to <bdag(x)b(x)> (should be L*n). The GreenFunction(0,0) does not (as long as we are in same mott lobe) depend on mu, t, T ol L (unless I have messed the input files).
Best, Mateusz Łącki