Since nobody replied, I repead the message below. Additional informations on the error
again similar output
q = -0 state1 = 0 state2 = 0 bond_type = 0 zero matrix element in remove_jump application called MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, -2) - process 35 real 64m34.498s
end quote
Observation: The error seems to appear more frequently for lower temperatures.
Any suggestions PLEASE?
Best Kuba
Sometimes QMC worm code (used on Bose-Hubbard) terminates with the following error:
here come first earlier succesful simulations then ... Created run 85 remote on Host ID: 84 Created run 86 remote on Host ID: 85 Created run 87 remote on Host ID: 86 Created run 88 remote on Host ID: 87 All processes have been assigned Checking if Simulation 1 is finished: not yet, next check in 120 seconds ( 0% done). q = -0 state1 = 0 state2 = 0 bond_type = 0 zero matrix element in remove_jump application called MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, -2) - process 67
Could somebody advice what I can do?
Best regards Kuba
Message: 2 Date: Tue, 12 May 2009 08:15:27 -0700 (PDT) From: khalid hassan mkhloane@yahoo.com Subject: [ALPS-users] correct basis vector To: alps users alps users comp-phys-alps-users@phys.ethz.ch Message-ID: 193974.13413.qm@web59404.mail.ac4.yahoo.com Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Dear alps team
I am using the print_numeric program in the model directory to print the basis vectors and hamiltonian matrices for the fermionic hubbard model.
Now the problem is that the basis gives the specified combination but not the correct sign.
for example for 2 site hubbard model one up spin, one down spin it gives
{ [ |0 0 > |1 1 > ] [ |0 1 > |1 0 > ] [ |1 0 > |0 1 > ] [ |1 1 > |0 0 > ] }
now the 2nd and 3rd row should have opposite sign either 2nd -ve or 3rd negative according to convention.
Now based on this set it calculated the matrix
which is wrong as all terms are negative. so I cannot find correct eigen values from this matrix.
tell me how can I solve the problem with sign problem of basis states and find correct hamiltonian matrix
Best regards khalid loane
Message: 3 Date: Tue, 12 May 2009 18:49:19 -0700 From: "Adrian E. Feiguin" afeiguin@kitp.ucsb.edu Subject: Re: [ALPS-users] problem with DMRG of ALPS To: comp-phys-alps-users@phys.ethz.ch Message-ID: 4A0A271F.50302@kitp.ucsb.edu Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
Hi Gang,
Could you figure out what the problem was? I just recompiled using the
latest ALPS, and boost versions in the repository, and everything works just fine...
Gang Chen wrote:
Hi all,
I installed alps-1.3.4 with the latest boost 1.38 on my local
All the functions (e.g classical MC, fulldiag) all work fine except
When I try to run dmrg parm file in the tutorial, the job got
right after it started.
Has anyone had similar problem with DMRG?
-- GANG CHEN Department of Physics University of California Santa Barbara, CA 93106 Office: Broida 6216 Phone: 805-893-5260 Fax: 805-893-3378
Message: 4 Date: Tue, 12 May 2009 18:19:35 -1000 From: Matthias Troyer troyer@phys.ethz.ch Subject: Re: [ALPS-users] correct basis vector To: comp-phys-alps-users@phys.ethz.ch Message-ID: A4346807-7F3D-488C-8F52-BC22DB0DA584@phys.ethz.ch Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed; delsp=yes
On May 12, 2009, at 5:15 AM, khalid hassan wrote:
Dear alps team
I am using the print_numeric program in the model directory to print
the basis vectors and hamiltonian matrices for the fermionic hubbard
Now the problem is that the basis gives the specified combination but not the correct sign.
for example for 2 site hubbard model one up spin, one down spin it
{ [ |0 0 > |1 1 > ] [ |0 1 > |1 0 > ] [ |1 0 > |0 1 > ] [ |1 1 > |0 0 > ] }
now the 2nd and 3rd row should have opposite sign either 2nd -ve or
3rd negative according to convention.
Why should a basis vector have a negative sign? You can choose any basis you want, and above is our choice.
Now based on this set it calculated the matrix
which is wrong as all terms are negative. so I cannot find correct
eigen values from this matrix.
In above matrix not all terms are negative, and they should not all be
negative, since there is a + sign when you exchange two fermions.
tell me how can I solve the problem with sign problem of basis states and find correct hamiltonian matrix
Can you please clarify what the problem is?
Message: 5 Date: Tue, 12 May 2009 18:23:08 -1000 From: Matthias Troyer troyer@phys.ethz.ch Subject: Re: [ALPS-users] correct basis vector To: comp-phys-alps-users@phys.ethz.ch Message-ID: 781EFF9A-7F01-4FF1-9E62-55D236B19938@phys.ethz.ch Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed; delsp=yes
On May 12, 2009, at 5:15 AM, khalid hassan wrote:
Dear alps team
I am using the print_numeric program in the model directory to print
the basis vectors and hamiltonian matrices for the fermionic hubbard
Now the problem is that the basis gives the specified combination but not the correct sign.
for example for 2 site hubbard model one up spin, one down spin it
{ [ |0 0 > |1 1 > ] [ |0 1 > |1 0 > ] [ |1 0 > |0 1 > ] [ |1 1 > |0 0 > ] }
now the 2nd and 3rd row should have opposite sign either 2nd -ve or
3rd negative according to convention.
Why should a basis vector have a negative sign? You can choose any basis you want, and above is our choice.
Now based on this set it calculated the matrix
which is wrong as all terms are negative. so I cannot find correct
eigen values from this matrix.
In above matrix not all terms are negative, and they should not all be
negative, since there is a + sign when you exchange two fermions.
tell me how can I solve the problem with sign problem of basis states and find correct hamiltonian matrix
Can you please clarify what the problem is?
End of Comp-phys-alps-users Digest, Vol 38, Issue 4