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From: "Swarn Rai" Subject: [Pitp-cmt] Summer School on "New trends in computational approaches for many-body systems" Date: 11 January 2012 19:42:14 CET To:
Dear Colleague,
We would appreciate if you could bring to the attention of your PhD students, the following Summer School on "New trends in computational approaches for many-body systems" It follows the pedagogical model of a successful school held in 2008 on a similar topic.
Approaches based on both model Hamiltonians and ab initio methods will be treated. Many of the numerical methods that will be discussed in this School are still in development, or so recent that one may expect dramatic improvements and breakthroughs in the near future. Projected Entangled States and Multi-scale Entanglement Renormalization Ansatz, Worm algorithms and Quantum Cluster Methods are prime examples. This methodology is essential for treating cold atoms, pnictides, heavy fermions, high-Temperature Superconductivity, interfaces of complex oxides and many more problems.
Hands-on training on Abinit ( ) and ALPS ( ) codes will be an integral part of the School.
There is no registration fee. Room and board for two weeks ranges from $1,000 CND to $1,400$ CND ($1_CND ~$1USD). Financial support is available for exceptional students that cannot be supported by research grants.
Students can obtain the equivalent of a 3 credit graduate course (45 h) from Sherbrooke University. It can applied to their degree at their home institution if transfer of credit is allowed.
Best regards,
The organizing committee:
André-Marie Tremblay (Sherbrooke) Massimo Boninsegni (Alberta) Michel Côté (Montreal) Roger Melko (Waterloo) David Sénéchal ((Sherbrooke) Matthias Troyer (ETH) Guifre Vidal (Perimeter)
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