the Bose-Hubbard QMC example runs nicely after i got all the installation stuff done. We are interested in the full single shot density distribution for a qmc simulation of small bose-hubbard-systems (<100sites). This would enable us to run the same evaluation code on the simulation which we use for our data. Is there a simple way to add this (or other observables like the parity projected density) to the observables which are written to the output files?
Best regards,
Peter Schauß
On Apr 18, 2011, at 1:43 PM, Peter Schauß wrote:
the Bose-Hubbard QMC example runs nicely after i got all the installation stuff done. We are interested in the full single shot density distribution for a qmc simulation of small bose-hubbard-systems (<100sites). This would enable us to run the same evaluation code on the simulation which we use for our data. Is there a simple way to add this (or other observables like the parity projected density) to the observables which are written to the output files?
Yes, that is possible to add but you have to be careful about correlations between subsequent "shots". You need to do a sufficient number of sweeps between two measurements.
If you also want the parity projected density then the best might be to use Lode's code which Tama has updated to include those features. It is scheduled for ALPS 2.1, but you might already be able to get a pre-release version.