Dear All, I would like to ask about calculating GS energy in the tebd code. I want to set up a simple BH model (for example L=20 sites, N=20 particles, J=0.1, U=1) and to get energy for that case. I have done the following. I modified file to be:
****************************** ************************************************************************** parms=[] count=0 for u in range(1): count+=1 parms.append({ 'L' : 10, 'MODEL' : 'boson Hubbard', 'CONSERVED_QUANTUMNUMBERS' : 'N', 'N' : 10, 't' : 0.1, 'U' : 1.0, 'Nmax' : 5, 'ITP_CHIS' : [40 for x in range(7)], 'ITP_DTS' : [0.1, 0.05,0.025,0.0125,0.00625,0.003125,0.0015625], 'ITP_CONVS' : [1E-8 for x in range(7)], 'INITIAL_STATE' : 'ground', 'CHI_LIMIT' : 40, 'TRUNC_LIMIT' : 1E-12, 'NUM_THREADS' : 7, 'NUMSTEPS' : [0 for x in range(7)], 'SIMID' : count })
baseName='tutorial_1a' #write output files nmlnameList=pyalps.writeTEBDfiles(parms, baseName) #run the application res=pyalps.runTEBD(nmlnameList) LEdata=pyalps.load.loadTimeEvolution(pyalps.getResultFiles(prefix='tutorial_1a'), measurements=['Energy'])
print LEdata ********************************************************************************************************
I was planning to do something more sophisticated with LEdata further, but I got stuck at:
****************************************** console output ************************************************************* tebd tutorial_1a1.nml Time-Evolving Block Decimation Program available from copyright(c) 2010 by Michael L. Wall Lincoln D. Carr For details see the publication: B. Bauer et al., J. Stat. Mech. (2011) P05001.
Based on the ALPS libraries version 2.0 available from copyright (c) 1994-2011 by the ALPS collaboration. Consult the web page for license details. For details see the publications: A.F. Albuquerque et al., J. of Magn. and Magn. Materials 310, 1187 (2007). B. Bauer et al., J. Stat. Mech. (2011) P05001. At line 184 of file /users/champ/lacki/al/alps202-gcc44/alps-2.0.2-r5790-src-with-boost/alps/applications/dmrg/tebd/tebd.f90 (unit = 138, file = 'tutorial_1a1.nml') Fortran runtime error: End of file Error in /users/champ/lacki/al/alps202-gcc44/alps-2.0.2-r5790-src-with-boost/alps/src/alps/ngs/lib/hdf5.cpp on 484 in list_children: The group '/timesteps/' does not exists. stack trace: /users/champ/lacki/alps202-gcc446mpiok/lib/ [0x7f43c4d58776] /users/champ/lacki/alps202-gcc446mpiok/lib/pyalps/ [0x7f43c5279734] /users/champ/lacki/alps202-gcc446mpiok/lib/pyalps/ [0x7f43c5282448] /users/champ/lacki/alps202-gcc446mpiok/lib/ [0x7f43c482560e] /users/champ/lacki/alps202-gcc446mpiok/lib/ [0x7f43c48258b8] /users/champ/lacki/alps202-gcc446mpiok/lib/ [0x7f43c480ce3b] /users/champ/lacki/alps202-gcc446mpiok/lib/ [0x7f43c48221c8] /usr/lib64/ [0x35ed248fe3] /usr/lib64/ [0x35ed2de0a3] /usr/lib64/ [0x35ed2e1125] /usr/lib64/ [0x35ed2dfa86] /usr/lib64/ [0x35ed2e1125] /usr/lib64/ [0x35ed2e1252] /usr/lib64/ [0x35ed2fb3ac] /usr/lib64/ [0x35ed2fc1e0] /usr/lib64/ [0x35ed2fcc5f] /usr/lib64/ [0x35ed30e285] /lib64/ [0x35d182135d] python() [0x400651]
Traceback (most recent call last): File "/users/champ/lacki/alps202-gcc446mpiok/lib/pyalps/", line 636, in loadTimeEvolution L=h5file.list_children(resroot) RuntimeError: Error in /users/champ/lacki/al/alps202-gcc44/alps-2.0.2-r5790-src-with-boost/alps/src/alps/ngs/lib/hdf5.cpp on 484 in list_children: The group '/timesteps/' does not exists. stack trace: /users/champ/lacki/alps202-gcc446mpiok/lib/ [0x7f43c4d58776] /users/champ/lacki/alps202-gcc446mpiok/lib/pyalps/ [0x7f43c5279734] /users/champ/lacki/alps202-gcc446mpiok/lib/pyalps/ [0x7f43c5282448] /users/champ/lacki/alps202-gcc446mpiok/lib/ [0x7f43c482560e] /users/champ/lacki/alps202-gcc446mpiok/lib/ [0x7f43c48258b8] /users/champ/lacki/alps202-gcc446mpiok/lib/ [0x7f43c480ce3b] /users/champ/lacki/alps202-gcc446mpiok/lib/ [0x7f43c48221c8] /usr/lib64/ [0x35ed248fe3] /usr/lib64/ [0x35ed2de0a3] /usr/lib64/ [0x35ed2e1125] /usr/lib64/ [0x35ed2dfa86] /usr/lib64/ [0x35ed2e1125] /usr/lib64/ [0x35ed2e1252] /usr/lib64/ [0x35ed2fb3ac] /usr/lib64/ [0x35ed2fc1e0] /usr/lib64/ [0x35ed2fcc5f] /usr/lib64/ [0x35ed30e285] /lib64/ [0x35d182135d] python() [0x400651]
[[], [], [], []]
I see that I shoudl specify time step, but I am interested only in imaginary time evolution. Should I specify that in any way?
Regards, Mateusz Łącki