Thanks for the answer about the truncation error. I felt kind of dumb that I hadn't thought of that before, but I don't use unix all that often. I just read through Steven White's 2005 paper "Density matrix renormalization group algorithms with a single center site." I was looking through the dmrg code trying to figure out how to implement the single site method. I was wondering what the general consensus is about this method before I continue trying to implement it. Here is my goal: I would like to try to find the Haldane gap in S=1 Heisenberg ladders. I know that the accepted method for doing this in 1D is to make the ends of the chain be S=1/2 to avoid the end effects. Will this work in ladders as well? I was thinking that the single site method would just allow me to use periodic boundary conditions and avoid the end site problems. I also don't know how to put S=1/2 sites at the ends of the lattice in ALPS. Does anyone know how to do this? Can I just set local_S for each site of the lattice?
Thanks, Justin
Hi Justin,
with the "plaquette-singlet solid" picture of S. Todo, M. Matsumoto, C. Yasuda, and H. Takayama, Phys. Rev. B 64, 224412 2001. in mind I don't expect to see boundary S=1/2 excitations in S=1 two-leg ladders in contrast to the single chain. Indeed we obtained good agreement with the QMC result of Todo et al. in our paper PRB 74, 144426 (2006) using standard open boundary condition DMRG on a S=1 two-leg ladder. that might also remain true for wider ladders.
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