Dear all,
in the description of ALPS there is a note about the possibility of experimental data fitting.
Unfortunately, I can't find in tutorials and documentation the way how to fit, for example, experimental susceptibility data with the simulations from ALPS.
In the code I've found just fit_wrapper function. Should I use it (or another) for parameter optimization or it's need to write own optimizer?
Thanks in advance.
At the moment the data fitting is done manually and not automatically through ALPS except for the classical MC code. ALPS 3.0 will include the possibility of automatic data fitting based on simulation results from any of the codes.
On Jun 8, 2012, at 7:13 AM, Dmitry wrote:
Dear all,
in the description of ALPS there is a note about the possibility of experimental data fitting.
Unfortunately, I can't find in tutorials and documentation the way how to fit, for example, experimental susceptibility data with the simulations from ALPS.
In the code I've found just fit_wrapper function. Should I use it (or another) for parameter optimization or it's need to write own optimizer?
Thanks in advance.