Hi Matthias, the workaround for operatordescriptor.h was OK, compilation of examples/test/application has made further progress, however today there are two new errors. 1) The first is related to tests:
"/gpfs/scratch/userexternal/jalfonsi/alps-2.0.0b3_20101021/alps/src/alps/alea/mcdata.hpp", line 760.31: 1540-0218 (S) The call does not match any parameter list for "bind<double>". "/gpfs/scratch/userexternal/jalfonsi/alps-2.0.0b3_20101021/boost/boost/lambda/detail/bind_functions.hpp", line 49.1: 1540-1283 (I) "boost::lambda::bind<double>(double (&)())" is not a viable candidate. "/gpfs/scratch/userexternal/jalfonsi/alps-2.0.0b3_20101021/alps/src/alps/alea/mcdata.hpp", line 762.19: 1540-0295 (I) A parameter of type "double (&)()" cannot be initialized with an rvalue of type "double (*)(double, double)". "/gpfs/scratch/userexternal/jalfonsi/alps-2.0.0b3_20101021/boost/boost/lambda/detail/bind_functions.hpp", line 71.1: 1540-1283 (I) "boost::lambda::bind<double>(const double &)" is not a viable candidate. "/gpfs/scratch/userexternal/jalfonsi/alps-2.0.0b3_20101021/alps/src/alps/alea/mcdata.hpp", line 762.19: 1540-0295 (I) A parameter of type "const double &" cannot be initialized with an rvalue of type "double (*)(double, double)". "/gpfs/scratch/userexternal/jalfonsi/alps-2.0.0b3_20101021/boost/boost/lambda/detail/bind_functions.hpp", line 91.1: 1540-1283 (I) "template <class Result, class Arg1> boost::lambda::bind(const Arg1 &)" is not a viable candidate. "/gpfs/scratch/userexternal/jalfonsi/alps-2.0.0b3_20101021/alps/src/alps/alea/mcdata.hpp", line 760.31: 1540-0215 (I) The wrong number of arguments have been specified for "template <class Result, class Arg1> boost::lambda::bind(const Arg1 &)". "/gpfs/scratch/userexternal/jalfonsi/alps-2.0.0b3_20101021/boost/boost/lambda/detail/bind_functions.hpp", line 190.1: 1540-1283 (I) "template <class Result, class Par1, class Arg2> boost::lambda::bind(Result (&)(Par1), const Arg2 &)" is not a viable candidate. "/gpfs/scratch/userexternal/jalfonsi/alps-2.0.0b3_20101021/alps/src/alps/alea/mcdata.hpp", line 762.19: 1540-0288 (I) The function template parameter of type "Result (&)(Par1)" cannot be initialized with an argument of type "double (*)(double, double)". "/gpfs/scratch/userexternal/jalfonsi/alps-2.0.0b3_20101021/boost/boost/lambda/detail/bind_functions.hpp", line 212.1: 1540-1283 (I) "template <class Arg1, class Arg2> boost::lambda::bind(const Arg1 &, const Arg2 &)" is not a viable candidate. "/gpfs/scratch/userexternal/jalfonsi/alps-2.0.0b3_20101021/alps/src/alps/alea/mcdata.hpp", line 760.31: 1540-0215 (I) The wrong number of arguments have been specified for "template <class Arg1, class Arg2> boost::lambda::bind(const Arg1 &, const Arg2 &)". "/gpfs/scratch/userexternal/jalfonsi/alps-2.0.0b3_20101021/boost/boost/lambda/detail/bind_functions.hpp", line 232.1: 1540-1283 (I) "template <class Result, class Arg1, class Arg2> boost::lambda::bind(const Arg1 &, const Arg2 &)" is not a viable candidate. "/gpfs/scratch/userexternal/jalfonsi/alps-2.0.0b3_20101021/alps/src/alps/alea/mcdata.hpp", line 760.31: 1540-0215 (I) The wrong number of arguments have been specified for "template <class Result, class Arg1, class Arg2> boost::lambda::bind(const Arg1 &, const Arg2 &)". "/gpfs/scratch/userexternal/jalfonsi/alps-2.0.0b3_20101021/boost/boost/lambda/detail/bind_functions.hpp", line 333.1: 1540-1283 (I) "boost::lambda::bind<double,double,double,boost::lambda::lambda_functor<boost::lambda::placeholder<1>
,double>(double (&)(double, double), const
lambda_functor<boost::lambda::placeholder<1> > &, const double &)" is not a viable candidate. "/gpfs/scratch/userexternal/jalfonsi/alps-2.0.0b3_20101021/alps/src/alps/alea/mcdata.hpp", line 762.19: 1540-0295 (I) A parameter of type "double (&)(double, double)" cannot be initialized with an rvalue of type "double (*)(double, double)". "/gpfs/scratch/userexternal/jalfonsi/alps-2.0.0b3_20101021/boost/boost/lambda/detail/bind_functions.hpp", line 361.1: 1540-1283 (I) "boost::lambda::bind<double,boost::lambda::lambda_functor<boost::lambda::placeholder<1>
,double>(const double &, const
lambda_functor<boost::lambda::placeholder<1> > &, const double &)" is not a viable candidate. "/gpfs/scratch/userexternal/jalfonsi/alps-2.0.0b3_20101021/alps/src/alps/alea/mcdata.hpp", line 762.19: 1540-0295 (I) A parameter of type "const double &" cannot be initialized with an rvalue of type "double (*)(double, double)". "/gpfs/scratch/userexternal/jalfonsi/alps-2.0.0b3_20101021/boost/boost/lambda/detail/bind_functions.hpp", line 387.1: 1540-1283 (I) "template <class Result, class Arg1, class Arg2, class Arg3> boost::lambda::bind(const Arg1 &, const Arg2 &, const Arg3 &)" is not a viable candidate. "/gpfs/scratch/userexternal/jalfonsi/alps-2.0.0b3_20101021/boost/boost/lambda/detail/bind_functions.hpp", line 387.1: 1540-1108 (I) "const lambda_functor<lambda_functor_base<boost::lambda::action<3,boost::lambda::function_action<3,double>
,bind_tuple_mapper<const Arg1,const Arg2,const
(extern "C" double (&)(double, double) const, const
lambda_functor<boost::lambda::placeholder<1> > &, const double &)" is not a valid type. "/gpfs/scratch/userexternal/jalfonsi/alps-2.0.0b3_20101021/alps/src/alps/alea/mcdata.hpp", line 760.31: 1540-0700 (I) The previous message was produced while processing "bind". "/gpfs/scratch/userexternal/jalfonsi/alps-2.0.0b3_20101021/boost/boost/lambda/detail/bind_functions.hpp", line 503.1: 1540-1283 (I) "template <class Result, class Par1, class Par2, class Par3, class Arg2, class Arg3, class Arg4> boost::lambda::bind(Result (&)(Par1, Par2, Par3), const Arg2 &, const Arg3 &, const Arg4 &)" is not a viable candidate. "/gpfs/scratch/userexternal/jalfonsi/alps-2.0.0b3_20101021/alps/src/alps/alea/mcdata.hpp", line 762.19: 1540-0288 (I) The function template parameter of type "Result (&)(Par1, Par2, Par3)" cannot be initialized with an argument of type "double (*)(double, double)". "/gpfs/scratch/userexternal/jalfonsi/alps-2.0.0b3_20101021/boost/boost/lambda/detail/bind_functions.hpp", line 532.1: 1540-1283 (I) "template <class Arg1, class Arg2, class Arg3, class Arg4> boost::lambda::bind(const Arg1 &, const Arg2 &, const Arg3 &, const Arg4 &)" is not a viable candidate. "/gpfs/scratch/userexternal/jalfonsi/alps-2.0.0b3_20101021/alps/src/alps/alea/mcdata.hpp", line 760.31: 1540-0215 (I) The wrong number of arguments have been specified for "template <class Arg1, class Arg2, class Arg3, class Arg4> boost::lambda::bind(const Arg1 &, const Arg2 &, const Arg3 &, const Arg4 &)". "/gpfs/scratch/userexternal/jalfonsi/alps-2.0.0b3_20101021/boost/boost/lambda/detail/bind_functions.hpp", line 558.1: 1540-1283 (I) "template <class Result, class Arg1, class Arg2, class Arg3, class Arg4> boost::lambda::bind(const Arg1 &, const Arg2 &, const Arg3 &, const Arg4 &)" is not a viable candidate. "/gpfs/scratch/userexternal/jalfonsi/alps-2.0.0b3_20101021/alps/src/alps/alea/mcdata.hpp", line 760.31: 1540-0215 (I) The wrong number of arguments have been specified for "template <class Result, class Arg1, class Arg2, class Arg3, class Arg4> boost::lambda::bind(const Arg1 &, const Arg2 &, const Arg3 &, const Arg4 &)". "/gpfs/scratch/userexternal/jalfonsi/alps-2.0.0b3_20101021/boost/boost/lambda/detail/bind_functions.hpp", line 679.1: 1540-1283 (I) "template <class Result, class Par1, class Par2, class Par3, class Par4, class Arg2, class Arg3, class Arg4, class Arg5> boost::lambda::bind(Result (&)(Par1, Par2, Par3, Par4), const Arg2 &, const Arg3 &, const Arg4 &, const Arg5 &)" is not a viable candidate. "/gpfs/scratch/userexternal/jalfonsi/alps-2.0.0b3_20101021/alps/src/alps/alea/mcdata.hpp", line 762.19: 1540-0288 (I) The function template parameter of type "Result (&)(Par1, Par2, Par3, Par4)" cannot be initialized with an argument of type "double (*)(double, double)". "/gpfs/scratch/userexternal/jalfonsi/alps-2.0.0b3_20101021/boost/boost/lambda/detail/bind_functions.hpp", line 710.1: 1540-1283 (I) "template <class Arg1, class Arg2, class Arg3, class Arg4, class Arg5> boost::lambda::bind(const Arg1 &, const Arg2 &, const Arg3 &, const Arg4 &, const Arg5 &)" is not a viable candidate. "/gpfs/scratch/userexternal/jalfonsi/alps-2.0.0b3_20101021/alps/src/alps/alea/mcdata.hpp", line 760.31: 1540-0215 (I) The wrong number of arguments have been specified for "template <class Arg1, class Arg2, class Arg3, class Arg4, class Arg5> boost::lambda::bind(const Arg1 &, const Arg2 &, const Arg3 &, const Arg4 &, const Arg5 &)". "/gpfs/scratch/userexternal/jalfonsi/alps-2.0.0b3_20101021/boost/boost/lambda/detail/bind_functions.hpp", line 738.1: 1540-1283 (I) "template <class Result, class Arg1, class Arg2, class Arg3, class Arg4, class Arg5> boost::lambda::bind(const Arg1 &, const Arg2 &, const Arg3 &, const Arg4 &, const Arg5 &)" is not a viable candidate. "/gpfs/scratch/userexternal/jalfonsi/alps-2.0.0b3_20101021/alps/src/alps/alea/mcdata.hpp", line 760.31: 1540-0215 (I) The wrong number of arguments have been specified for "template <class Result, class Arg1, class Arg2, class Arg3, class Arg4, class Arg5> boost::lambda::bind(const Arg1 &, const Arg2 &, const Arg3 &, const Arg4 &, const Arg5 &)". "/gpfs/scratch/userexternal/jalfonsi/alps-2.0.0b3_20101021/boost/boost/lambda/detail/bind_functions.hpp", line 867.1: 1540-1283 (I) "template <class Result, class Par1, class Par2, class Par3, class Par4, class Par5, class Arg2, class Arg3, class Arg4, class Arg5, class Arg6> boost::lambda::bind(Result (&)(Par1, Par2, Par3, Par4, Par5), const Arg2 &, const Arg3 &, const Arg4 &, const Arg5 &, const Arg6 &)" is not a viable candidate. "/gpfs/scratch/userexternal/jalfonsi/alps-2.0.0b3_20101021/alps/src/alps/alea/mcdata.hpp", line 762.19: 1540-0288 (I) The function template parameter of type "Result (&)(Par1, Par2, Par3, Par4, Par5)" cannot be initialized with an argument of type "double (*)(double, double)". "/gpfs/scratch/userexternal/jalfonsi/alps-2.0.0b3_20101021/boost/boost/lambda/detail/bind_functions.hpp", line 899.1: 1540-1283 (I) "template <class Arg1, class Arg2, class Arg3, class Arg4, class Arg5, class Arg6> boost::lambda::bind(const Arg1 &, const Arg2 &, const Arg3 &, const Arg4 &, const Arg5 &, const Arg6 &)" is not a viable candidate. "/gpfs/scratch/userexternal/jalfonsi/alps-2.0.0b3_20101021/alps/src/alps/alea/mcdata.hpp", line 760.31: 1540-0215 (I) The wrong number of arguments have been specified for "template <class Arg1, class Arg2, class Arg3, class Arg4, class Arg5, class Arg6> boost::lambda::bind(const Arg1 &, const Arg2 &, const Arg3 &, const Arg4 &, const Arg5 &, const Arg6 &)". "/gpfs/scratch/userexternal/jalfonsi/alps-2.0.0b3_20101021/boost/boost/lambda/detail/bind_functions.hpp", line 927.1: 1540-1283 (I) "template <class Result, class Arg1, class Arg2, class Arg3, class Arg4, class Arg5, class Arg6> boost::lambda::bind(const Arg1 &, const Arg2 &, const Arg3 &, const Arg4 &, const Arg5 &, const Arg6 &)" is not a viable candidate. "/gpfs/scratch/userexternal/jalfonsi/alps-2.0.0b3_20101021/alps/src/alps/alea/mcdata.hpp", line 760.31: 1540-0215 (I) The wrong number of arguments have been specified for "template <class Result, class Arg1, class Arg2, class Arg3, class Arg4, class Arg5, class Arg6> boost::lambda::bind(const Arg1 &, const Arg2 &, const Arg3 &, const Arg4 &, const Arg5 &, const Arg6 &)". "/gpfs/scratch/userexternal/jalfonsi/alps-2.0.0b3_20101021/boost/boost/lambda/detail/bind_functions.hpp", line 1058.1: 1540-1283 (I) "template <class Result, class Par1, class Par2, class Par3, class Par4, class Par5, class Par6, class Arg2, class Arg3, class Arg4, class Arg5, class Arg6, class Arg7> boost::lambda::bind(Result (&)(Par1, Par2, Par3, Par4, Par5, Par6), const Arg2 &, const Arg3 &, const Arg4 &, const Arg5 &, const Arg6 &, const Arg7 &)" is not a viable candidate. "/gpfs/scratch/userexternal/jalfonsi/alps-2.0.0b3_20101021/alps/src/alps/alea/mcdata.hpp", line 762.19: 1540-0288 (I) The function template parameter of type "Result (&)(Par1, Par2, Par3, Par4, Par5, Par6)" cannot be initialized with an argument of type "double (*)(double, double)". "/gpfs/scratch/userexternal/jalfonsi/alps-2.0.0b3_20101021/boost/boost/lambda/detail/bind_functions.hpp", line 1092.1: 1540-1283 (I) "template <class Arg1, class Arg2, class Arg3, class Arg4, class Arg5, class Arg6, class Arg7> boost::lambda::bind(const Arg1 &, const Arg2 &, const Arg3 &, const Arg4 &, const Arg5 &, const Arg6 &, const Arg7 &)" is not a viable candidate. "/gpfs/scratch/userexternal/jalfonsi/alps-2.0.0b3_20101021/alps/src/alps/alea/mcdata.hpp", line 760.31: 1540-0215 (I) The wrong number of arguments have been specified for "template <class Arg1, class Arg2, class Arg3, class Arg4, class Arg5, class Arg6, class Arg7> boost::lambda::bind(const Arg1 &, const Arg2 &, const Arg3 &, const Arg4 &, const Arg5 &, const Arg6 &, const Arg7 &)". "/gpfs/scratch/userexternal/jalfonsi/alps-2.0.0b3_20101021/boost/boost/lambda/detail/bind_functions.hpp", line 1123.1: 1540-1283 (I) "template <class Result, class Arg1, class Arg2, class Arg3, class Arg4, class Arg5, class Arg6, class Arg7> boost::lambda::bind(const Arg1 &, const Arg2 &, const Arg3 &, const Arg4 &, const Arg5 &, const Arg6 &, const Arg7 &)" is not a viable candidate. "/gpfs/scratch/userexternal/jalfonsi/alps-2.0.0b3_20101021/alps/src/alps/alea/mcdata.hpp", line 760.31: 1540-0215 (I) The wrong number of arguments have been specified for "template <class Result, class Arg1, class Arg2, class Arg3, class Arg4, class Arg5, class Arg6, class Arg7> boost::lambda::bind(const Arg1 &, const Arg2 &, const Arg3 &, const Arg4 &, const Arg5 &, const Arg6 &, const Arg7 &)". "/gpfs/scratch/userexternal/jalfonsi/alps-2.0.0b3_20101021/boost/boost/lambda/detail/bind_functions.hpp", line 1257.1: 1540-1283 (I) "template <class Result, class Par1, class Par2, class Par3, class Par4, class Par5, class Par6, class Par7, class Arg2, class Arg3, class Arg4, class Arg5, class Arg6, class Arg7, class Arg8> boost::lambda::bind(Result (&)(Par1, Par2, Par3, Par4, Par5, Par6, Par7), const Arg2 &, const Arg3 &, const Arg4 &, const Arg5 &, const Arg6 &, const Arg7 &, const Arg8 &)" is not a viable candidate. "/gpfs/scratch/userexternal/jalfonsi/alps-2.0.0b3_20101021/alps/src/alps/alea/mcdata.hpp", line 762.19: 1540-0288 (I) The function template parameter of type "Result (&)(Par1, Par2, Par3, Par4, Par5, Par6, Par7)" cannot be initialized with an argument of type "double (*)(double, double)". "/gpfs/scratch/userexternal/jalfonsi/alps-2.0.0b3_20101021/boost/boost/lambda/detail/bind_functions.hpp", line 1291.1: 1540-1283 (I) "template <class Arg1, class Arg2, class Arg3, class Arg4, class Arg5, class Arg6, class Arg7, class Arg8> boost::lambda::bind(const Arg1 &, const Arg2 &, const Arg3 &, const Arg4 &, const Arg5 &, const Arg6 &, const Arg7 &, const Arg8 &)" is not a viable candidate. "/gpfs/scratch/userexternal/jalfonsi/alps-2.0.0b3_20101021/alps/src/alps/alea/mcdata.hpp", line 760.31: 1540-0215 (I) The wrong number of arguments have been specified for "template <class Arg1, class Arg2, class Arg3, class Arg4, class Arg5, class Arg6, class Arg7, class Arg8> boost::lambda::bind(const Arg1 &, const Arg2 &, const Arg3 &, const Arg4 &, const Arg5 &, const Arg6 &, const Arg7 &, const Arg8 &)". "/gpfs/scratch/userexternal/jalfonsi/alps-2.0.0b3_20101021/boost/boost/lambda/detail/bind_functions.hpp", line 1322.1: 1540-1283 (I) "template <class Result, class Arg1, class Arg2, class Arg3, class Arg4, class Arg5, class Arg6, class Arg7, class Arg8> boost::lambda::bind(const Arg1 &, const Arg2 &, const Arg3 &, const Arg4 &, const Arg5 &, const Arg6 &, const Arg7 &, const Arg8 &)" is not a viable candidate. "/gpfs/scratch/userexternal/jalfonsi/alps-2.0.0b3_20101021/alps/src/alps/alea/mcdata.hpp", line 760.31: 1540-0215 (I) The wrong number of arguments have been specified for "template <class Result, class Arg1, class Arg2, class Arg3, class Arg4, class Arg5, class Arg6, class Arg7, class Arg8> boost::lambda::bind(const Arg1 &, const Arg2 &, const Arg3 &, const Arg4 &, const Arg5 &, const Arg6 &, const Arg7 &, const Arg8 &)". "/gpfs/scratch/userexternal/jalfonsi/alps-2.0.0b3_20101021/boost/boost/lambda/detail/bind_functions.hpp", line 1458.1: 1540-1283 (I) "template <class Result, class Par1, class Par2, class Par3, class Par4, class Par5, class Par6, class Par7, class Par8, class Arg2, class Arg3, class Arg4, class Arg5, class Arg6, class Arg7, class Arg8, class Arg9> boost::lambda::bind(Result (&)(Par1, Par2, Par3, Par4, Par5, Par6, Par7, Par8), const Arg2 &, const Arg3 &, const Arg4 &, const Arg5 &, const Arg6 &, const Arg7 &, const Arg8 &, const Arg9 &)" is not a viable candidate. "/gpfs/scratch/userexternal/jalfonsi/alps-2.0.0b3_20101021/alps/src/alps/alea/mcdata.hpp", line 762.19: 1540-0288 (I) The function template parameter of type "Result (&)(Par1, Par2, Par3, Par4, Par5, Par6, Par7, Par8)" cannot be initialized with an argument of type "double (*)(double, double)". "/gpfs/scratch/userexternal/jalfonsi/alps-2.0.0b3_20101021/boost/boost/lambda/detail/bind_functions.hpp", line 1494.1: 1540-1283 (I) "template <class Arg1, class Arg2, class Arg3, class Arg4, class Arg5, class Arg6, class Arg7, class Arg8, class Arg9> boost::lambda::bind(const Arg1 &, const Arg2 &, const Arg3 &, const Arg4 &, const Arg5 &, const Arg6 &, const Arg7 &, const Arg8 &, const Arg9 &)" is not a viable candidate. "/gpfs/scratch/userexternal/jalfonsi/alps-2.0.0b3_20101021/alps/src/alps/alea/mcdata.hpp", line 760.31: 1540-0215 (I) The wrong number of arguments have been specified for "template <class Arg1, class Arg2, class Arg3, class Arg4, class Arg5, class Arg6, class Arg7, class Arg8, class Arg9> boost::lambda::bind(const Arg1 &, const Arg2 &, const Arg3 &, const Arg4 &, const Arg5 &, const Arg6 &, const Arg7 &, const Arg8 &, const Arg9 &)". "/gpfs/scratch/userexternal/jalfonsi/alps-2.0.0b3_20101021/boost/boost/lambda/detail/bind_functions.hpp", line 1526.1: 1540-1283 (I) "template <class Result, class Arg1, class Arg2, class Arg3, class Arg4, class Arg5, class Arg6, class Arg7, class Arg8, class Arg9> boost::lambda::bind(const Arg1 &, const Arg2 &, const Arg3 &, const Arg4 &, const Arg5 &, const Arg6 &, const Arg7 &, const Arg8 &, const Arg9 &)" is not a viable candidate. "/gpfs/scratch/userexternal/jalfonsi/alps-2.0.0b3_20101021/alps/src/alps/alea/mcdata.hpp", line 760.31: 1540-0215 (I) The wrong number of arguments have been specified for "template <class Result, class Arg1, class Arg2, class Arg3, class Arg4, class Arg5, class Arg6, class Arg7, class Arg8, class Arg9> boost::lambda::bind(const Arg1 &, const Arg2 &, const Arg3 &, const Arg4 &, const Arg5 &, const Arg6 &, const Arg7 &, const Arg8 &, const Arg9 &)". "/gpfs/scratch/userexternal/jalfonsi/alps-2.0.0b3_20101021/boost/boost/lambda/detail/bind_functions.hpp", line 1673.1: 1540-1283 (I) "template <class Result, class Par1, class Par2, class Par3, class Par4, class Par5, class Par6, class Par7, class Par8, class Par9, class Arg2, class Arg3, class Arg4, class Arg5, class Arg6, class Arg7, class Arg8, class Arg9, class Arg10> boost::lambda::bind(Result (&)(Par1, Par2, Par3, Par4, Par5, Par6, Par7, Par8, Par9), const Arg2 &, const Arg3 &, const Arg4 &, const Arg5 &, const Arg6 &, const Arg7 &, const Arg8 &, const Arg9 &, const Arg10 &)" is not a viable candidate. "/gpfs/scratch/userexternal/jalfonsi/alps-2.0.0b3_20101021/alps/src/alps/alea/mcdata.hpp", line 762.19: 1540-0288 (I) The function template parameter of type "Result (&)(Par1, Par2, Par3, Par4, Par5, Par6, Par7, Par8, Par9)" cannot be initialized with an argument of type "double (*)(double, double)". "/gpfs/scratch/userexternal/jalfonsi/alps-2.0.0b3_20101021/boost/boost/lambda/detail/bind_functions.hpp", line 1710.1: 1540-1283 (I) "template <class Arg1, class Arg2, class Arg3, class Arg4, class Arg5, class Arg6, class Arg7, class Arg8, class Arg9, class Arg10> boost::lambda::bind(const Arg1 &, const Arg2 &, const Arg3 &, const Arg4 &, const Arg5 &, const Arg6 &, const Arg7 &, const Arg8 &, const Arg9 &, const Arg10 &)" is not a viable candidate. "/gpfs/scratch/userexternal/jalfonsi/alps-2.0.0b3_20101021/alps/src/alps/alea/mcdata.hpp", line 760.31: 1540-0215 (I) The wrong number of arguments have been specified for "template <class Arg1, class Arg2, class Arg3, class Arg4, class Arg5, class Arg6, class Arg7, class Arg8, class Arg9, class Arg10> boost::lambda::bind(const Arg1 &, const Arg2 &, const Arg3 &, const Arg4 &, const Arg5 &, const Arg6 &, const Arg7 &, const Arg8 &, const Arg9 &, const Arg10 &)". "/gpfs/scratch/userexternal/jalfonsi/alps-2.0.0b3_20101021/boost/boost/lambda/detail/bind_functions.hpp", line 1743.1: 1540-1283 (I) "template <class Result, class Arg1, class Arg2, class Arg3, class Arg4, class Arg5, class Arg6, class Arg7, class Arg8, class Arg9, class Arg10> boost::lambda::bind(const Arg1 &, const Arg2 &, const Arg3 &, const Arg4 &, const Arg5 &, const Arg6 &, const Arg7 &, const Arg8 &, const Arg9 &, const Arg10 &)" is not a viable candidate. "/gpfs/scratch/userexternal/jalfonsi/alps-2.0.0b3_20101021/alps/src/alps/alea/mcdata.hpp", line 760.31: 1540-0215 (I) The wrong number of arguments have been specified for "template <class Result, class Arg1, class Arg2, class Arg3, class Arg4, class Arg5, class Arg6, class Arg7, class Arg8, class Arg9, class Arg10> boost::lambda::bind(const Arg1 &, const Arg2 &, const Arg3 &, const Arg4 &, const Arg5 &, const Arg6 &, const Arg7 &, const Arg8 &, const Arg9 &, const Arg10 &)". "/gpfs/scratch/userexternal/jalfonsi/alps-2.0.0b3_20101021/alps/src/alps/alea/mcdata.hpp", line 749.41: 1540-0700 (I) The previous message was produced while processing "alps::alea::pow<double>(mcdata<double>, element_type)". "/gpfs/scratch/userexternal/jalfonsi/alps-2.0.0b3_20101021/alps/test/alea/mcdata.C", line 37.5: 1540-0700 (I) The previous message was produced while processing "main()". make[2]: *** [test/alea/CMakeFiles/mcdata.dir/mcdata.C.o] Error 1 make[1]: *** [test/alea/CMakeFiles/mcdata.dir/all] Error 2 make: *** [all] Error 2
2) The second error (related to applications) is: "/gpfs/scratch/userexternal/jalfonsi/alps-2.0.0b4-r4959-src-with-boost/alps/applications/qmc/looper/looper/model_parameter.h", line 49.10: 1540-0063 (S) The text "100" is unexpected. "/gpfs/scratch/userexternal/jalfonsi/alps-2.0.0b3_20101021/boost/boost/mpl/map/aux_/item.hpp", line 117.6: 1540-0095 (W) The friend function declaration "operator||" will cause an error when the enclosing template class is instantiated with arguments that declare a friend function that does not match an existing definition. The function declares only one function because it is not a template but the function type depends on one or more template parameters. make[2]: *** [applications/qmc/looper/CMakeFiles/loop.dir/loop_model.C.o] Error 1 make[1]: *** [applications/qmc/looper/CMakeFiles/loop.dir/all] Error 2 make: *** [all] Error 2
Thanks in advance for your help Best
-- Dr.ssa Jessica Alfonsi Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche Universit� di Padova via Marzolo 1 35100 Padova (Italy) +39 0498275726 e-mail jessica.alfonsi@unipd.it
Hi Jessica,
The best might really be if you upgrade to the latest version of the IBM compiler or use the GNU compiler instead.
For your comments, the first is a compiler issue which you will only solve by using a standard compliant compiler. There is no workaround for that compiler bug.
- The second error (related to applications) is:
"/gpfs/scratch/userexternal/jalfonsi/alps-2.0.0b4-r4959-src-with-boost/alps/applications/qmc/looper/looper/model_parameter.h", line 49.10: 1540-0063 (S) The text "100" is unexpected.
Here I do not see the text 100 in the current version. Can you please send the file? I would generally recommend that you upgrade to the latest nightly snapshot instead of the b4 release.
Hi Jessica,
on the ibm machines it seems that HZ is a predefined macro, which renders the corresponding line in the looper code invalid.
perhaps one has to include an ibm workaround in the relevant looper files which looks roughly like the line below (I'm not sure about the capitalization though)
#ifdef HZ #undefine HZ #endif
On Nov 3, 2010, at 6:02 AM, Matthias Troyer wrote:
Hi Jessica,
The best might really be if you upgrade to the latest version of the IBM compiler or use the GNU compiler instead.
For your comments, the first is a compiler issue which you will only solve by using a standard compliant compiler. There is no workaround for that compiler bug.
- The second error (related to applications) is:
"/gpfs/scratch/userexternal/jalfonsi/alps-2.0.0b4-r4959-src-with- boost/alps/applications/qmc/looper/looper/model_parameter.h", line 49.10: 1540-0063 (S) The text "100" is unexpected.
Here I do not see the text 100 in the current version. Can you please send the file? I would generally recommend that you upgrade to the latest nightly snapshot instead of the b4 release.
--- andreas laeuchli /------------------------------------------------------------\ |vox: ++49 (0)351 871 11 15 | MPI PKS | |fax: ++49 (0)351 871 11 99 | Office 1 A 15 | |email: aml@pks.mpg.de | Noethnitzerstr. 38 | |http://www.pks.mpg.de/~aml | D-01187 Dresden, Germany | ------------------------------------------------------------/
On Nov 3, 2010, at 2:08 PM, Andreas Läuchli wrote:
Hi Jessica,
on the ibm machines it seems that HZ is a predefined macro, which renders the corresponding line in the looper code invalid.
perhaps one has to include an ibm workaround in the relevant looper files which looks roughly like the line below (I'm not sure about the capitalization though)
#ifdef HZ #undefine HZ #endif
Thanks, that's a great suggestion. It should probably be lower case:
#ifdef hz #undef hz #endif
Jessica, could you please try that?
On Nov 3, 2010, at 6:02 AM, Matthias Troyer wrote:
Hi Jessica,
The best might really be if you upgrade to the latest version of the IBM compiler or use the GNU compiler instead.
For your comments, the first is a compiler issue which you will only solve by using a standard compliant compiler. There is no workaround for that compiler bug.
- The second error (related to applications) is:
"/gpfs/scratch/userexternal/jalfonsi/alps-2.0.0b4-r4959-src-with-boost/alps/applications/qmc/looper/looper/model_parameter.h", line 49.10: 1540-0063 (S) The text "100" is unexpected.
Here I do not see the text 100 in the current version. Can you please send the file? I would generally recommend that you upgrade to the latest nightly snapshot instead of the b4 release.
andreas laeuchli /------------------------------------------------------------\ |vox: ++49 (0)351 871 11 15 | MPI PKS | |fax: ++49 (0)351 871 11 99 | Office 1 A 15 | |email: aml@pks.mpg.de | Noethnitzerstr. 38 | |http://www.pks.mpg.de/~aml | D-01187 Dresden, Germany | ------------------------------------------------------------/
Thank you very much Andreas and Matthias for all the suggestions. At the moment however I'd like to stick as long as possible with the IBM compiler version installed on our machine (10.1), since I suppose the machine native compiler should give the best performance, in principle. Moreover, every time I have asked to the consultants in my HPC center about upgrading the compiler or installing a recent GCC, I have received no answer. Perhaps changing compiler looks to be an extreme solution and they're unwilling to do it... The current GCC version on our SP6 machine is 4.2.0, for which IBM binaries are available. Is it too obsolete for compiling ALPS 2 ? Is it possible to turn off a particular test, I mean the one in alea for which no workaround exist ? Just to see if there are any more issues ?
On Mer, 3 Novembre 2010 2:08 pm, Andreas Läuchli wrote:
Hi Jessica,
on the ibm machines it seems that HZ is a predefined macro, which renders the corresponding line in the looper code invalid.
perhaps one has to include an ibm workaround in the relevant looper files which looks roughly like the line below (I'm not sure about the capitalization though)
#ifdef HZ #undefine HZ #endif
On Nov 3, 2010, at 6:02 AM, Matthias Troyer wrote:
Hi Jessica,
The best might really be if you upgrade to the latest version of the IBM compiler or use the GNU compiler instead.
For your comments, the first is a compiler issue which you will only solve by using a standard compliant compiler. There is no workaround for that compiler bug.
- The second error (related to applications) is:
"/gpfs/scratch/userexternal/jalfonsi/alps-2.0.0b4-r4959-src-with- boost/alps/applications/qmc/looper/looper/model_parameter.h", line 49.10: 1540-0063 (S) The text "100" is unexpected.
Here I do not see the text 100 in the current version. Can you please send the file? I would generally recommend that you upgrade to the latest nightly snapshot instead of the b4 release.
andreas laeuchli /------------------------------------------------------------\ |vox: ++49 (0)351 871 11 15 | MPI PKS | |fax: ++49 (0)351 871 11 99 | Office 1 A 15 | |email: aml@pks.mpg.de | Noethnitzerstr. 38 | |http://www.pks.mpg.de/~aml | D-01187 Dresden, Germany | ------------------------------------------------------------/
-- Dr.ssa Jessica Alfonsi Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche Universit� di Padova via Marzolo 1 35100 Padova (Italy) +39 0498275726 e-mail jessica.alfonsi@unipd.it
Yes, you can just remove that test in the CMakeLists.txt file in the directory of the test. The other option is to compile with make -k which continues compiling after an error
On Nov 4, 2010, at 9:35, jessica.alfonsi@unipd.it wrote:
Thank you very much Andreas and Matthias for all the suggestions. At the moment however I'd like to stick as long as possible with the IBM compiler version installed on our machine (10.1), since I suppose the machine native compiler should give the best performance, in principle. Moreover, every time I have asked to the consultants in my HPC center about upgrading the compiler or installing a recent GCC, I have received no answer. Perhaps changing compiler looks to be an extreme solution and they're unwilling to do it... The current GCC version on our SP6 machine is 4.2.0, for which IBM binaries are available. Is it too obsolete for compiling ALPS 2 ? Is it possible to turn off a particular test, I mean the one in alea for which no workaround exist ? Just to see if there are any more issues ?
On Mer, 3 Novembre 2010 2:08 pm, Andreas Läuchli wrote:
Hi Jessica,
on the ibm machines it seems that HZ is a predefined macro, which renders the corresponding line in the looper code invalid.
perhaps one has to include an ibm workaround in the relevant looper files which looks roughly like the line below (I'm not sure about the capitalization though)
#ifdef HZ #undefine HZ #endif
On Nov 3, 2010, at 6:02 AM, Matthias Troyer wrote:
Hi Jessica,
The best might really be if you upgrade to the latest version of the IBM compiler or use the GNU compiler instead.
For your comments, the first is a compiler issue which you will only solve by using a standard compliant compiler. There is no workaround for that compiler bug.
- The second error (related to applications) is:
"/gpfs/scratch/userexternal/jalfonsi/alps-2.0.0b4-r4959-src-with- boost/alps/applications/qmc/looper/looper/model_parameter.h", line 49.10: 1540-0063 (S) The text "100" is unexpected.
Here I do not see the text 100 in the current version. Can you please send the file? I would generally recommend that you upgrade to the latest nightly snapshot instead of the b4 release.
andreas laeuchli /------------------------------------------------------------\ |vox: ++49 (0)351 871 11 15 | MPI PKS | |fax: ++49 (0)351 871 11 99 | Office 1 A 15 | |email: aml@pks.mpg.de | Noethnitzerstr. 38 | |http://www.pks.mpg.de/~aml | D-01187 Dresden, Germany | ------------------------------------------------------------/
-- Dr.ssa Jessica Alfonsi Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche Universit� di Padova via Marzolo 1 35100 Padova (Italy) +39 0498275726 e-mail jessica.alfonsi@unipd.it