Dear ALPS users and developers,
I am now studying the properties of the frustated Heisenberg spin chain. And the correlation functions is considered. The calculation result give (N+1)^2 terms of the two-sites' correlation value. Maybe we are interested in the result about C(l)=<Sz(N+2-l/2)Sz(N/2+l/2)>. I'd like to ask for your help. Can we modify the file /ALPS/alps-application/dmrg/dmrg/dmrg.c to get just the <Sz(N+2-l/2)Sz(N/2+l/2)> result? Or if there is another way to do so?
The main reason we do not like the available one is that we find hat the output data of a single program is huge. So I'd like to consult you that if there's some other method to reduce the output data of the program?
Thank you in advance for your time and effort to response.
Best Regards!
Your Sincerely, Pan Lihua