Dear All, I want to average results from DWA simulation of a BH model to get the 2D density of a gas in a harmonic trap.
I was trying to use function “collectXY” in pyalps to combine simulation results, but the following issues arise: - I can average any measurement that produces a single number: collectXY(‘J’, ‘Stifness’) as in
How can I average the local density? then in hdf files ‘y’ is no longer a number but a 2D vector of dimension Lx, Ly, and ‘x’ is 1D vetor of size Lx*Ly naive application of collectXY results in error of mismatching tensor dimensions.
Is there an “official” way to do it ?
there is an example of plotting the Green function. Can I save the density measurement to a file somehow instead of plotting ?
Best, Mateusz