Dear, M. Dolfi I have installed alps-2.2.b4 using openmpi successfully on Suse 11.0. There are not any errors during make, make test, and make install. After installation I can running successfully mps_optim serially or 1-4 CPUs. I have encountered some errors while running mps_optim parallelly using 4 or more CPUs.
...... Running task 1. Running task 1. This binary contains symmetries: nu1 This binary contains symmetries: nu1 MAQUIS repo r4143 MAQUIS repo r4143 Temporary storage enabled in /home/mlj/bin/TempFiles/n3SquareLatticeSite4.64/storage_temp_fc5a128613e7/ Temporary storage enabled in /home/mlj/bin/TempFiles/n3SquareLatticeSite4.64/storage_temp_5a9cbccacee8/ Error destroying HDF5 context of file '/home/mlj/Test/n3SquareLatticeSite4.task1.out.0.h5.tmp.4' boost::filesystem::rename: No such file or directory: "/home/mlj/Test/n3SquareLatticeSite4.task1.out.0.h5.tmp.4", "/home/mlj/mlj/Test/n3SquareLatticeSite4.task1.out.0.h5" -------------------------------------------------------------------------- mpirun noticed that process rank 3 with PID 5962 on node linux exited on signal 6 (Aborted). -------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILE ./n3SquareLatticeSite4.task1.out.h5DOES NOT EXIST!
How to solve this problem?
Thank you for your help.
L.J. Meng
Xiangtan University,Hunan Pro. China