hello,Tao, I think you should define the nnn bonds in the lattice.xml and use different type. Then in bond term, you use type to distinguish then,I.e., bondterm type="1", the other remains the same.
在 2015-10-24 03:21:51,"Tao Ying" taoying86@gmail.com 写道:
Dear all,
I want to use QMC in ALPS to simulate Bose-Hubbard model with NNN interaction, we know for NN interaction V, we can define V as following:
<BONDTERM source="i" target="j"> <PARAMETER name="V" default="0"/> V*n(i)*n(j) </BONDTERM>
Now I want to include NNN interaction, how can I define it? (source="i" target="?")
Best regards, Tao Ying
Tao Ying, Lecturer in department of physics, Harbin Institute of Technology