Thanks Rachele, that's very useful to me!
Regards, Alvise
2012/7/1 Rachele Nerattini
Dear Alvise,
I'm using ALPS to simulate three-dimensional Ising, XY and Heisenberg models. I've never studied the helicity modulus but if you need it I can copy and paste here after the input file I use to run my simulations. While you waiting for the help of someone more expert then me, you can use it to run a simulations on your own and see if in the results you'll get you'll find something useful for your purposes... Good work and all the best Rachele Nerattini
LATTICE="simple cubic lattice" T=2.20167 J=1 THERMALIZATION=200000 SWEEPS=1000000 UPDATE="cluster" MODEL="XY" BOUNDARY type="periodic" S=1 {L=10;}
This is the input file you need to simulate the classical XY model defined on a three dimensional lattice of edge 10 (total number of spins = 10*10*10). You can change the number of thermalization and sweeps steps as you prefer. The model has been simulated at the critical temperature and I used the cluster algorithm to perform the simulation. If you need to simulate a given lattice for different values of the temperature you can do the following:
LATTICE="simple cubic lattice" L=10; J=1 THERMALIZATION=200000 SWEEPS=1000000 UPDATE="cluster" MODEL="XY" BOUNDARY type="periodic" S=1 {T=1.5; T=2.0; T=2.20167; T=3.0; T=...?} The values of the parameters that you give out of braces hold for every simulations, those which are in braces are tipical of a particular simulation.
2012/7/1 Alvise Scarpa
I'd need to simulate a three-dimensional XY model, studying the helicity modulus as a function of temperature. (3D XY means that the sites are defined on a cubic lattice, while the spins are constrained on a plane)
I'd have a few questions:
- Can I do that with ALPS? (I suppose the answer will be yes...)
- Is it possible to do that just from a parameter file, without using
the Python interface? In particular, how is it possibile to measure the helicity modulus? 2) Is there any place where I could find a relevant parameter file, or one I could adapt to fit my needs?
Thanks in advance (and sorry if the question is too silly, I have been playing with ALPS for a couple of days so far! I have searched for my issues in the documentation by I could not find relevant examples!)
Best Regards, Alvise