Dear Zhian,
You values for L=100 are correct, but the value for L=300 is not. I am getting -0.4422.. for L=200 The energy steadily goes down as you increase the system size, and if you do a finite size scaling, it should converge to the exact value. The convergence is slow for open boundary conditions. You can try with periodic to see what you get (you'll need to keep more states, though) Usually, 8 full sweeps (left to right, right to left) are enough. If you see that the energy keeps changing as you sweep, then you may need to do more sweeps. I think 4 to 8 full sweeps should be fine for the spin=1/2 chain.
Saludos, <ADRIAN>
Matthias Troyer wrote:
4 sweeps seems far too little to me. Can you try with 50. Adrian, what would you recommend?
On 6 Dec 2008, at 13:58, zhian asadzadeh wrote:
Hi Dears Thanks a lot. I have achieved the ground state energy as follow: SWEEP=8, L=30,MAXSTATES=100, E0= -0.437045191. SWEEP=8, L=50,MAXSTATES=140, E0= -0.43944220. SWEEP=4, L=100,MAXSTATES=100, E0= -0.44127739. SWEEP=4, L=100,MAXSTATES=300, E0= -0.44127739. SWEEP=4, L=300,MAXSTATES=100, E0= -0.44127739. The E0= -0.44127739 is the best enegy that i achieve and when i change the sweep&M&L,the energy doesn't change.I can't improve the result ,also i wrote the model & lattice, but have not changed any thing. Thanks.
On Fri, Dec 5, 2008 at 6:00 AM, <> wrote:
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