Hi everyone, I have been trying to calculate the expectation value of certain variables defined by 'MEASURE_AVERAGE[NAME]' using mps_evolve function and obtained the output .h5 file by running the function 'loadIterationMeasuremen', energy and parameters were returned, but the measurements were not!!!! So i used a h5 file viewer and found out that the results were actually collected under the repository /spectrum/iteration. I also tried the 4 tutorial scripts in mps-06-kink file and same story happened. There are two things I want to consult, 1. is it correct that the expectation value are stored under spectrum/iteration? and I am also a little baffled why the folders under iteration are named with random numbers. 2. how to read the results with functions from alps. I tried to read the .h5 file with h5py module of python and it does not recognize any dataset as 'spectrum'.
Please help![?] best,