Dear Tokuro Shimokawa,
The time limits are only for restartable Monte Carlo simulations and, as you discovered, do not apply to the current DMRG code. A new DMRG code under development will make checkpoints. Please contact me directly if you urgently need this feature.
best regards
Matthias Troyer
On 8 May 2012, at 06:31, User1 Alps wrote:
Hello All,
I have some trouble about running dmrg program with command line options. (I am using ALPS 1.3.5 and alps-applications-1.3.5.)
For example, I typed "./dmrg --time-limit 10" for making checkpoint in 10 seconds. However, my prgram does not stop at the scheduled time.
best regards
Tokuro Shimokawa Kobe University, Japan