Dear All, I have been running the following input: <pasted at the bottom>
I have observed that for Bose-Hubbard model on chain of length L=256, unit filled, under open boundary conditions the DMRG code uses over 32G memory (this is the hardware limit, it clearly wants more, for L=128 it was around 20G). is that normal? I would estimate that an MPS state of 256 sites, with bond dimension 60, local Hilbert space 7 should be much smaller (even if we allow for a small constant factor for temporary data)
Kind Regards, Mateusz Łącki
LATTICE="open chain lattice" MODEL="boson Hubbard" SWEEPS=8 Nmax=6 NUMBER_EIGENVALUES=1 L=256 CONSERVED_QUANTUMNUMBERS="N" N_total=256 VERBOSE=0
t=0.25 U=1 mu=0