Can you please post an input file that shows the problem?
On 11 Oct 2010, at 21:26, Jakub Kolasinski wrote:
Hi, I have encountered problem with worm algorithm, and I would be very grateful for help. I'm using ALPS 1.3.4, and the problem is as follows. In low temperatures (around 0.05 with U=1) and hopping parameter around 0.2 simulation runs normally and then just stops - but there is no error. So it seems to be everything ok, simulation status is "running" - but there is no progress. If I rerun the simulation on the same parameters few times, it eventually works to the end. Problem intesifies with growing hopping parameter J - for J=0.1 this problem happens very rarely to me. I would really appreciate any help.
Best regards Jakub Kolasinski