Dear Sir/Madam,
Could you help me with this? I need to define a two-dimensional lattice with canted spin structure. In each chain, we have stronger FM interaction, and weak AFM interaction between chains, and each column has different anisotropic directions one is X and the other is Z, i.e., they are vertical to each. How could I define the lattice and model for this system.
I hope I have made clear my question. Looking forward to your reply!
Best regards, Wei
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Fabien Alet Date: 6 December 2010 14:13 Subject: Re: Help about spin Hamiltonian set up To: Wei Wu
I suspect that you just have to define a new lattice with two sites per unit cell, and use two different sets of Jx,Jy,Jz for each unit cell. But since I'm not sure exactly what you wish to do, and since this appears to be a generic ALPS question, I suggest you send a (maybe more precise) question to the ALPS users mailing list.
Best Fabien
Le 6 déc. 10 à 15:06, Wei Wu a écrit :
Yeah, I mean ALPS.
Thanks, Wei
On 6 December 2010 08:43, ALET Fabien wrote:
are you talking about doing this with ALPS, or is it about something else ?
Best Fabien
On 12/03/2010 08:14 PM, Wei Wu wrote:
Dear Dr. Alet Fabien,
My name is Wei Wu. I am a postdoc researcher at Imperial College London, UK. I am trying to set up a spin Hamiltonian of spin ladder or coupled spin ladder with canted spins, i.e., the spin easy axes on two legs are different and they are perpendicular to each other. Do you think I can set up a Hamiltonian for this? and if possible, how can I set that up?
Many thanks!
Best regards, Wei