Ok, then I try to follow the step for the installation from source. Thank you again Rachele
2012/4/4 Matthias Troyer troyer@phys.ethz.ch
I don't think that a Debian package has been created for the version that includes the O(4) model. You will have to build spinmc from source.
On Apr 4, 2012, at 4:47 PM, Rachele Nerattini wrote:
Dear Mr Troyer,
I'm writing to you because I have some problems in the installation of ALPS on Ubuntu GNU/Linux 10.04 lucid.
Following the instructions in the guide at
I proceeded in the following manner:
I openend a terminal and I typed
curl http://www.cpht.polytechnique.fr/ubuntu/gpg_key / sudo apt-key add-
I then added the two debs :
deb http://www.cpht.polytechnique.fr/ubuntu lucid alps deb-src http://www.cpht.polytechnique.fr/ubuntu lucid alps
to the file etc/apt/source.list
then I typed
sudo aptitude update sudo aptitude install alps2-all sudo aptitude upgrade sudo reboot
I need to run classical MC simulations for Ising, XY, Heisenberg and O(4) model. I can do the simulations for the Ising, XY and Heisenberg models with the command
spinmc --Tmin 100 --write-xml parm.in.xml
and it seems to work...but I cannot run the simulation for the O(4) model that I know is already included in the newest version.
Which mistake I made in the installation? It seems that I missed some steps also because I have some problems in other commands. For example the command convert2xml works but the command convert2text doesn't exist.
can you tell me what I have to do ti install ALPS 2.0 on Ubuntu 10.04 lucid?
Thank you very much for the help, with best regards
Rachele Nerattini