So sorry there was a mistake in the last email. I has corrected recently and asked it again.
Dear all
Firstly, thanks to Matthias for his previous answers.
We are looking for a way to map our lattice. With guidance presented in the web site we wrote our lattice. Although, the unit cell of what we wanted has been brought by default in the lattice collections of the ALPS, we are trying to apply and see what is in our mind explicitly.
We wrote:
<LATTICES> <LATTICE name="stripm" dimension="2"> <PARAMETER name="a" default="1.73205"/> <PARAMETER name="b" default="1.73205"/> <PARAMETER name="phi" default="Pi/3"/> <BASIS> <VECTOR> a 0 </VECTOR> <VECTOR> b*cos(phi) b*sin(phi) </VECTOR> </BASIS> </LATTICE> <FINITELATTICE name="honeyladder" dimension="2"> <LATTICE ref="stripm"/> <PARAMETER name="L" default="10"/> <PARAMETER name="W" default="2" /> <EXTENT dimension="1" size="L" /> <EXTENT dimension="2" size="W" /> <BOUNDARY dimension="1" type="periodic" /> <BOUNDARY dimension="2" type="open" /> </FINITELATTICE> <UNITCELL name="honeyl" dimension="2" vertices="2"> <VERTEX id="1" ><COORDINATE> cos(phi/2) cos(phi/2) </COORDINATE></VERTEX> <VERTEX id="2"><COORDINATE> 2*cos(phi/2) 2* cos(phi/2) </COORDINATE></VERTEX> <EDGE><SOURCE vertex="1"/><TARGET vertex="2"/></EDGE> <EDGE><SOURCE vertex="2"/><TARGET vertex="1" offset="1 0"/></EDGE> <EDGE><SOURCE vertex="2"/><TARGET vertex="1" offset="0 1"/></EDGE> </UNITCELL> <LATTICEGRAPH> <FINITELATTICE ref="honeyladder"/> <UNITCELL ref="honeyl"/> </LATTICEGRAPH> </LATTICES>
*Question*: How to see the output of the .xml file?
Thanks in advance