Dear Alvise,
FYI, the looper QMC code in the present version of ALPS can calculate the helicity modulus (or stiffness) for the quantum version of 3D XY model.
Best, Synge
On 2012/07/02, at 4:26, Matthias Troyer wrote:
Right, we need to add it to the C++ code.
On Jul 1, 2012, at 6:29 PM, Alvise Scarpa wrote:
Dear Matthias,
thank you for your reply. I'd have one more question: when you say "no, not yet but this could be added." do you mean that I cannot measure helicity modulus without dealing with Python/C++/whatever or that I cannot measure helicity modulus at all in the current version of ALPS?
Best Regards, Alvise