Hi all,
I am trying to run dmrg tutorial example but it is showing error. The error is as follows:
$ simple_dmrg <parm1 error: ALPS noninteractiong DMRG application version 1.0 available from http://alps.comp-phys.org/ copyright (c) 2003-2004 by Salvatore R. Manmana <Salva@theo3.physik.uni-stuttg art.de> Reinhard M. Noack <Reinhard.Noack@physik.uni-marbur g.de> Ian McCulloch ianmcc@physik.rwth-aachen.de for details see the publication: F. Alet et al., Report cond-mat/0410407.
EXCEPTION: bad lexical cast: source type value could not be interpreted as target t
Please see the error and tell me the problem.
Thanks in advance
with regards,