Dear all,
I'm just about to compile and to install alps-2.0.3 from source with libboost included. Compilation succeeds without problems. But unfortunately 'make test' results in 4 failed tests:
Test project /scratch/sinder/alps-2.0.3-src-with-boost/alps Start 1: ising_single 1/99 Test #1: ising_single .....................***Failed 0.32 sec Start 2: loop_single 2/99 Test #2: loop_single ......................***Failed 0.19 sec Start 3: exchange 3/99 Test #3: exchange .........................***Failed 0.25 sec Start 40: lattice_constant_test 40/99 Test #40: lattice_constant_test ............***Failed 0.08 sec
As I don't have experience with the Cmake building system I'd like to ask for help where I should start looking.
Thanks in advance Andreas